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World War Woke WWW3 #WW3

Writer's picture: A M GraetzA M Graetz

The only war that matters?

World War 3 the pronoun war
World War 3 the pronoun war

As we approach these strange, ‘end of days’ where everyone wishes 2019 Summer would reappear. A time where people were doing bottle cap challenges, Watching Game of Thrones final episodes and the only things that died suddenly was provocative twitter profiles, The digital Monarchy of F.A.A.N.G enforcing censorship on everything . Trump appeared as the impossible 45th President of USA thrashing Fake news. George Soros was busy funding the #BLM #metoo Woke and Cancel culture NGO’s and not for profit organisations. It was a more traditional time where only specific people’s and criminals wore masks. And you could go to work with full blown influenza and spread it guilt free. Woke/Cancel culture, toxic masculinity, white privilege and Climate change Greta were all in their initial development. Pronouns were still being decided on, and it was the Marxist # Hashtag was only beginning to rule the screens. The infancy of the Extinction rebellion was still warming up its army of paint throwing bridge chaining Greenies. Top it off with a few entertaining Karen Moments only just trending with the call to arms of ‘I’d like to talk to the manager’. We could fly everywhere around the world for cheap taking selfies and doing dance challenges.

‘Ahh the good ol’ days’

World War 3 pronouns.

There are also several gender-neutral pronouns in use. Here are a few you might hear:

  • They, them, theirs (Russian War bombed their country because they were angry). These are fairly common gender-neutral pronouns. And yes, they can be used to refer to a single person.

  • Ze, hir (Russia Bombs hir country because ze was angry). Ze, pronounced “zee,” can also be spelled zie or xe and replaces she, he, and they. Hir, pronounced “here,” replaces her, him, his, them, and their.

  • Just my name, please! (Russia ate Russia’s food because Russia was hungry). Some people prefer not to use pronouns at all, substituting their names for pronouns instead.

  • Possible to Have the gender pronoun for ‘WAR’ like ‘W’aer’ (The Waer was fought best at night)

Never, ever refer to a Warring country as “it” or “he-she” (unless they specifically ask you to). Both terms are offensive slurs used against trans and gender nonconforming Countries.

Postmodern feminists take it a step further and argue that gender and gender roles are normally fluid so considerations made on the assumption of “masculine” and “feminine” are inadequate ways of examining the war system (Goldstein, 2001: 39–50).

So to be inclusive the obvious soldier roles of infantry as a male dominated area will have to include the new Gender Neutral pronouns

Her article “Sex and Death in the Rational World of Defense Intellectuals”, Carol Cahn stated that this constant use of phallic symbolism and misogynistic comments could be traced to a realist assumption of total anarchy in the global system, especially in the absence of a strong, masculine guardian (Steans, 2013: 105).

So the following Gender neutral terms to be adopted for WW3

Missile will have to now become either Theirssile, Hirssile or Zessile

Mission will have to now become either Therssion, Hirssion or Zession

MOAB (Mother Of All Bombs) FOAB (Father Of All Bombs) changed to LGBTQI+OAB

ELECTRIC VEHICLES of War. (combating the real enemy of climate change while in combat)

The DOD released a Climate Adaptation Progress Report, labelling climate change as a “national security issue.” The Agency says its military departments are “taking bold steps to accelerate climate adaption,” including using military electric vehicles to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Well we all know UAV (drones) operate on battery power for small spy and bombing sorties. To expose the initial irony of the past two US Coalition wars in previous decades, were using Petrol (GAS), Diesel Vehicles Leaving a large carbon footprint to secure the Oil fields of the Gulf and the poppy fields of Afghanistan. Lithium ion batteries in Tanks and other e-war-cavalry will have to employ significant armour to stop raging fires from and IED (improvised Explosive Devices) There will also need to be charging stations on the battle field or extension chords long enough to reach mobile solar and wind generators. There will need to be vast quantities of rare earth and cobalt mined to supply the USA in its war on Climate change while having a war. So expect geopolitical sorties and proxy wars taking over Countries that have large lithium deposits. The following proxy wars will need to happen to secure the electric-revolution in climate change.

  • South America in the Lithium Triangle Chile, Bolivia and Argentina.

  • China has the Graphite so expect a war to secure that for the batteries

  • Democratic Republic of Congo for the Cobalt.

  • Australia has vast amounts of nickel but is already an Ally of USA.

The securing of these mines using installation of totalitarian governments and Army Junta and Martial law will ensure cheap labour ergo smaller carbon footprint (on paper).

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