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Writer's pictureA M Graetz

Who is Pluto - By Sir Julien Montague

Why? and what? is this transition into Aquarius using 1930's Pluto discovery Natal birth chart

So who is Pluto?

Well he has a Leo Lagna, with his sun lord conjunct exalted venus in 8th house pisces, the two most luminous planets together, it gets better, his 8th house lord Jupiter is in the 11th house trine mars mercury in Aquarius 7th house, when pluto enters Aquarius it will conjuct mercury and mars. Very few astrologers realise that the 7th is the house of death. It’s with the 2nd house a 'Karaka' or death inflicting house, and with Pluto entering Aquarius and aspecting natal mars it’s probably going to be bloody…the lord of the 7th Uranus. The Promethean theft of the fire is in the 9th house in Mars ruled Aries, revolutionary ideologies running amok.

As of this next month or so the nodes will have returned to their natal degrees, that’s always massive, Rahu in any sign wants to reinvent the wheel, it’s the apostate or the heretic, and yet as Liz Greene explains, Pluto is the lord of the soul. And so I am inclined to believe that the deepest purposes of the planet Pluto can be traced back to its 8th house exalted venus in pisces conjunction the sun.

Pluto has its own 'natal Pluto' in moon cancer, in the 12th house of losses, of moksha, where the moon, lord of the 12th in scorpio, conjunct KETU ain the 4th house, this is magnificent.

The hard aspect is there, the opposition between Pluto in the 12th and Saturn in Capricorn 6th house of sickness and enemies. The entire covid 19 madness happened when Pluto and Saturn were conjunct in Capricornus in 2020.


I am disinclined to place much emphasis on the affects or the outer non personal planets, you know the unique thing about the human species is that we are programmed to imagine the cosmos cares about us, from a sober non metaphysical perspective the dwarf planetoid PLUTO distance distance from the earth of approx. 5.3339 billion kilometres sort of begs the question that no one ever asks, or seems evenly curious about, is how the mythological naming of a distant planet could have such a profound affect on human history, and yet it has. In the year that it was discovered the Nazi party in Germany was emerging with as a global menace, Pluto is the archetype of Dionysian principle of the Will to power, and to Schopenhauer blind striving universal will. The latter had Pluto at 16 degrees Aquarius. The amazing thing that everything we associate Pluto with is palpably true with various historical epochs…

Like you I have the moon in Aquarius, mine is almost exactly opposite natal Pluto in Leo 8th house, the way I would interpret this transit would be through the sign rulers of Aquarius, Saturn and uranus, particularly the former which will be transitioning pisces in the next couple of years. The lord of my 3rd house then comes into play, natally it’s in the 12th house of losses in its own sign sagittarius. And as you say an entire generation of 2nd world war will be experiencing the Pluto-Pluto opposition.

I’ve been researching that generation last born with Pluto in Leo, 1775 aprox, many of the so called famous individuals produced their best work when Pluto apposed their natal Pluto.

But mostly I would expect the transits to have a broader non personal affect…but who knows, as I said it’s really phenomenal how a made up me for a tiny planet out on the icy edges of our solar system can have so much of a palpable and validating historical affect...

  • 23 January - The Nazi Party gains its first minister as Wilhelm Frick becomes Minister of the Interior and Education in Thuringiaas part of a right-wing coalition administration.

That’s four days after the discovery of the planet Pluto, the birth of the third reich and the emergence of a reign of genocide terror and the antecedents of the Second World War…

so to go back to the pluto natal chart i love it’s 10th house rahu in Taurus, lord venus exalted in pisces 8th house conjunct the SUN.


We can’t underestimate the incarnation of these trans personal planets, prior to to the discovery of Uranus-Prometheus, Neptune-Dionysus, and Pluto-Shiva we were under the spell of the Olympic coupe under the leadership of a demiurge deity, but hey GODS come and go and with the new planets we have more profound archetypes, and so when I look at the PLUTO-SHIVA chart I see a plan, with Venus in the 8th we can already see the abduction myth of Persephone being played out, which is a story that actually ends well as her release is negotiated., but as we know also the mother Demeter was distraught even to the point of laying the earth barren and cold, indeed she searched without food air the sacred soma for ten days before she was finally supported by Helios-Hyperion the SUN god of the lost golden age with a plan to seek her freedom.

Keep in mind here that Venus in the Pluto natal chart is exalted in pisces, and that it’s conjunct HELIOS -HYPERION! Who explains to her that the king of HADES isn’t such a bad match. VENUS here is self evidently PERSEPHONE ain a mythic context, and that’s all astrology is, it’s the language before language hard wired into the human psyche…

So anyways the good news is that PLUTO as an archetype isn’t essentially evil, and yes it cathartic and terrifying but that’s the nature of the dialectic in which life contends with terrifying evolutional forces, and so every now and then some earth shattering adjustments are required, it’s never pretty but my point I guess use this, that the life force or will of any epoch will have the guts and fortitude to endure the process…and so from that RAHU in Taurus perspective one can sense a radical heretical and apostate manifestation of that will to power over the next twenty years or so, and that it’s synthesis will be worth the struggle.


We can’t deny that Pluto represents the emergence of the shadow side of the human psyche, an ideological madness, the spectacle of the human species at war with itself, a ritualistic blood letting unmatched in human history, and yet it’s who we are, no surprise when you trace the seed origins of our species back to the lineage of the fallen angels, back to the vedic gospel of lord Krishna, which virtually confirms the holographic simulation theory in which human destiny is programmed into one’s birth chart, a master plan in which entire historical epochs are the play thing of unseen archetypal powers dominions and principalities, no wonder we are acted upon like puppets, go into wars and every sort of insanity on a whim, drawn on by invisible forces, and yet on a positive note, and the one thing that Julian montague gut right, is had in the individuals access to an other order of being, his or hers own higher power in which all the karmic cause and affect laws of the holographic are rendered null- avoid. It’s not exactly pure non duality because that’s a fantasy, and it’s not even a magic bullet because it hasn’t anything to do with gods or angels, with a non existent omnipresent perfection, that might exist but of course the human mind will never even begin to grasp its paradoxical mysteries. So what is that higher power, well it’s essentially who we are at our core, that thing that has either been ripening or rotting over numerous lives, and so it’s not as if one van fake the spirit of that higher discernment by simply attending an AA meeting, or committing oneself to the extremely difficult 12 steps, to many people fail to do that hard work, and so maybe they remain slaves to bad habits because that in essence is who they are, and so its not a miracle cure, but to return to Julian’s point, which is acknowledgment that all human beings are flawed, all human beings as slaves to there natures, all human beings are fundamentally doomed to remains trapped in the holographic matrix in which the makers or watchers have designed for there own pleasure, who don’t care about the slaves, who yet live vicariously through our pain joy and suffering, because they can, and the sooner we realise that the better, bit in the end it all comes back to an honest assessment of where we are in the cosmic drama, where if at all we have rebelled against our psychic or default settings and began to attune to that higher self which has been accumulating brownie points over many lives OR NOT …

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2 commenti

Johnnie barker
Johnnie barker
27 set 2023

What a rambling mess of serf indulgent dribble, make virtually incomprehensible by its appalling disregard for syntax or respect for the reader, the authors naive and incoherent analysis of the Pluto archetype feels borrowed and strained, and yet one has to admire it’s enthusiasm and imaginative contemplations.

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A M Graetz
A M Graetz
15 ott 2023
Risposta a

Its fantastic. Love the self admonishing flow of consciousness in the pluto. When dealing with arbitrary energy of the stars I think it fits perfectly.

Mi piace
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