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Writer's pictureA M Graetz

What is the Digital Revolution? Is the Fourth Industrial Revolution the Final Digital Revolution?

Updated: Dec 2, 2023

snowden julian assange kim dotcom
snowden julian assange kim dotcom

Call it old fashioned but what is the revolution about?

So you have Snowden, Assange and Dot com.

All pushing the ideology of privacy that never comes. 15 years or so of government surveillance, corporate pinpoint advertising. Social credit and identity politics.

Yet I don't get what the revolution or ideological end game is?

Communism was a ideological movement.

Socialism was a ideological movement.

Capitalism was (is) a ideological movement.

So is the digital world revolution/evolution about the marriage of it all into one big jump into the nothingness of interconnected no physical exchanges? It seems highly unlikely but all marriage theories into a Frankensociety is not feasible. As the rich will have to lose in order for the revolution to stick. They can Blame A.i all they want but if there are enough hungry masses will become primal in second and use optical fibre as washing lines to dry their clothes, while they chow down on the disected shoe leather of a pair of gucci loafters to quell their pain.

So the following musings on the various permutations of the digital world as I see it. Seeing as there is no collectivist idoelogy other


Why does no one write about it?

We have no great directors, poets, rebellious stars that speak their mind without it being pre censored on a cultural sensitive level.

There is not one narrative in the Art or performing world that can actually annunciate a divided cultural revolution that has plastic wrapped, hypersensitive cotton wool covered brains.

The point of this media saturated impulse of worlds colliding in a digital universal language, increasing the homogenous milk white paradigm of cultural indifference for everyone with an internet connection.

Yet we can buy a thousand flavours of ice cream, eat caviar and red wine flavoured oven baked organic potato vegan chips. The humanity reductionist fellowship of the mirror mirror in your hand asking the numbers who is the fairest of them all.

The cryptos, the hyperlink, the cash money versus stock market. The dark web, consciousness, DMT, Elon Musk and Joe Rogan on weed. That perfect selfie before death. The pile of oil stained bills in an american G.I’s hands from some proxy country for proxy reasons of paroxyisms. A corporation that never fails that commit un jailable offences. Over-filled prisons, while the hospital going broke and doubled their price. Femen topless protest, Transgender argument, flat earth and next designer drug of choice. The food with no nutrients, a sea full of plastic fish.Gamers dropping dead on PC’s. Pick your sport of World championship of drug cheats.

But its not all that bad?

Is it?

Use the illusion as long as it is there for before too long it will be the end of illusions and a harsh reality will be there waiting. As the media will scramble to keep the Same as the same and anything worse to be accepted as the same.

We are definitely obsessed with the Shiny pretty things. The glowing script on the screen that little heart filled with red clicked to feel accepted. The series that tells about the struggles and strains not even hitting close to the marker of the divisions created to homogenise the lot in one unknown visual literacy.

It seems that in this current trajectory that starship earth, is now convening with some strange Baphmet plot hatching in the Political/Media Holo-deck.

My words are not new to the uninitiated or hardened cynical intellectual, or even jaded teen.

Everyone knows that the price paid for ease of life since the last 1956 Great Depression or even Stalin and Mao’s cultural movement of people and mass migration. Is that the revolution will not be televised as Mr Herron once wrote.

“You will not be able to stay home, brother
You will not be able to plug in, turn on and drop out
You will not be able to lose yourself on skag and skip
Skip out for beer during commercials
Because the revolution will not be televised.”

(excerpt) Gil Scott-Heron. The revolution will not be televised.”


Breaking down the word Crypto -Currency

Crypt A crypt (from Latin crypta “vault”) is a stone chamber beneath the floor of a church or other building. It typically contains coffins, sarcophagi, or religious relics.o meaning zero. the byte of information and zero dependence on physical formCurrency = A currency, in the most specific use of the word, refers to money in any form when in actual use or circulation as a medium of exchange, especially circulating banknotes and coinput all three together and you have a hidden bank pyramid scheme that doesn’t physically exist at all. How this can look lucrative to the Millenial Generation has me completely baffled but intriegued. It seems that the media that constantly advertises its mainstream benifits is going to keep it alive and in everyones face as an alternative. So yeah it might just be the future.

On the other hand it might just be the biggest funded Pyramid Scheme that comes crashing down. Its always bizarre how things are allowed to exist for a reason.

And Cui Bono ‘who benifits’…


Once the internet becomes so regulated, homogenised and corporate that no one really can tell if they are searching, or just being TOLD what they want.

It is at that point in the near future say 2 years at maximum. Where the drug of Social Media and Search engine convenience starts to wear off and the hang over begins to ensue.

Now I know everyone in the western world (including Brasil, Russia India and China).

Are all about social control over massive populations and to a degree corporations work with same structural Marxist idealogy of produce and provide for wage and goods.

Marxists believe that a key part in the control of the Proletariat is the use of alienation in all aspects of society, including the family, the education system and the media. This provides the Bourgeoisie with a supple mass of workers who do not mind working for the external rewards of a constant wage.

Yet there is still an accord of needing free flowing ideas to continue production. The defeatist controlling thievery of intellectual property in both India USA and China. Is the start of the fall of not paying for ripping off the public for a service.

Stifling the innovation is always the process bi-product of regulation.

There always is a routine of innovation, regulation, depression, revolution and regression.

We are all in the state of Regulation at this point in time. Governments know this and has initiated the two tier approach to the internet with a possibility of going to Blockchain as method of exchange and control.

That is if there is anything people really want on the internet when it all just becomes pretty shiny things issued by corporations that want absolute 100 percent market control.

So if you can see where I am getting to the point that the more people search using the smart phone, or Siri, or Amazon, or whatever the more the Leviathan creates that ideal society of battery hen humans in small apartments pecking at there feed.

Yet the environment is going to really serve up the problems that wont be able to be coded or, A.I and or automated.

As you can see in any society that falls it becomes greedy beyond its ability to provide the source of what people crave. Which in my humble opinion is actual community and nurture. Two things that government and corporations and A.I can not provide. So all the google searches and convenience of.....

“You may like this if you liked this.”

Will turn most into empty hording fetishists.

A certain section of society which they have already named as

a breakaway civilization : A meaning that discusses their (powers that be) best interest to reconcile with “people” in a symbiotic way.

As a power vaccume can not be filled easily in a soulless society based on binary computations and products. There is always going to be a need for something other than science to fill the religious and spiritual lost relationship to our planet that might become not so enjoyable in a life experience. Or better yet we can be convinced that there is another planet worth living on.

Yet I could be wrong as people have been known to live in any environment and adapt to its smells, rubbish and inconvenience. So back to the Google and Bing and Amazon and Netflix world of endless streams of information and automated replies.

It does have an end.

Artificial Intelligence is just that….

its Artificial. And unless if its made of Emerald or high fired porcelain then it will degrade just as quickly as software releases.

Even if an A.I Machine learning robot discovers the secret to the world, it will be destroyed by the humans wondering why it will not perform its exact functions that it was designed for. So you see where I am going here with the whole belief structure and avoidance of anything deeper than googles deep mind or some new invention.

So keep searching the internet keep the corporations happy with there structure of Digital Marxism. It will eventually free the system by its own subversion, or Fifth column. .

A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favour of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine.

So yeah there is my predictions of when the digital decentralised govt (money) basically rises into the market and the assumes the force of power and production. Structuring society how it wants it. With the human mind accepting its structure rather than chaos. Trump is merely the precursor to this ruling the market and country with a Twitter account. They prefer 20 words or less compared with his befuddled conversations with the media.

Just imagine when you get your rights read to you by a hand held screen. Unless you pay to play for that blue check verified on the last bastion of popular truth

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.

Roger Verbal Kint (The usual Suspects 1995)


algorithm. (āl’gə-rĭ ‘əm) A finite set of unambiguous instructions performed in a prescribed sequence to achieve a goal, especially a mathematical rule or procedure used to compute a desired result. In many religious, philosophical and mythological traditions, there is a belief in the incorporeal essence of a living being called the soul.

So where do we start.

Human soul has a definition but not proven to be other than 5 mundane senses of taste, sight, touch, smell, and sound.

Human behaviour has a set type, call and response’s that doesn’t really move from its requirements of existence.

Yet humans are still seen as irrational beings?

This is what is interesting about the media, google deep mind and the elements of change.

The wistful penultimate idea of creating a God in the machine A.I autonomous and or unrelated character (robot) that resolves the human condition.

Deus ex machina (Latin: [ˈdeʊs ɛks ˈmaː.kʰɪ.naː]: /ˈdeɪ.əs ɛks ˈmɑːkiːnə/ or /ˈdiːəs ɛks ˈmækɪnə/; plural: dei ex machina) is a Latin calque from Greek ἀπὸ μηχανῆς θεός (apò mēkhanês theós), meaning ‘god from the machine’. The term has evolved to mean a plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable.

So are we are heading to disaster one way or another in the eschaton based society we live in? All ideas popularized on Netflix, cinema, and social media in general appears to create many dystopian images. Even it is a fact we live in a most comfortable place with abundance in food and access to medicines. Yet we seem to be tragically bad at management of human behaviour and meeting these norms for all people.

Eschatology is a part of theology concerned with the final events of history, or the ultimate destiny of humanity. This concept is commonly referred to as the “end of the world” or “end times”.

So why does the soul of the individual not matter so much in this homogenized society of binary definitions and plural gender association?

As you can tell by the media’s love of all things controversial and being the marker rule and law of the Politically correct ideology based on mind control techniques.

We are at a specific time in this innovative technologically dominant world.

A place in history humans have possibly never been . Yet the digital servers of the world could possibly be the New Tower of Babel 2.0. Where we put too much emphasis into creating singularity and then by just the nature of nature. BOOOM! The lightning, volcano, earthquake or CME from sun pulls the plug on the power cable to the server.

The Tower of Babel as told in Genesis 11:1–9 is an origin myth meant to explain why the world’s peoples speak different languages. According to the story, a united humanity in the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating eastward, comes to the land of Shinar.

Yet we are not adept yet at understanding the root of the causes in human body politic. What makes us tick is still a mystery to each of ourselves. We are machine learning by reflection in technology but leaving the important stuff out.

Like for example what is spirit?

How it allows us to break free of definitions by a strange energetic thing called living and destiny. The body electrically keeps everything going. So the other feeling of being and life force is something unknown. Yet always discussed as HOODOO or some kind of Cult based Astrology Crap!

Our perceptions are malleable our choices can be erratic at times. Obsessed by image and gain in a material sense. Our fear greater of the universe is the true object of looking within.

Now not to speculate on spirituality and what it truly is.

Other than a set of beliefs that are reinforced by either the individual or the societal / group we can agree that we apply acceptance in a form of common agreement as ‘I’ and ‘You’.

Then where is the spirit in the internet? As it only has ones and zeros to separate the switches of ‘1’(I) and ‘0’ (You).

If spirit only represents the control of irrationality. Which in its self is irrational at best. A strange order of disorder does not display a solution. Hence why the homogenized life of our beings are not getting any more rational. Nor is any genius or innovator exalted as the media is obsessed with this order of disorder. Now even machines throw irrationality into their own physical being. Sometimes a photocopier will always print some strange forms of vectors when confused information or parts run out. Same with digital waves that fly through the air to our TV sets. All at the whim of nature and the spirit of things.

the Latin phrase ordo ab chao better known as order out of chaos. Is one of those verbal symbols inserted as an ideas of control structure that purely acts on human ideation of ownership. Keeping the mutually assured destruction owned by fear to keep order of the chaotic being en masse.


Quality or state of being all the same or all of the same kind.“the cultural homogeneity of our society”synonyms:uniformity, homogeneousness, similarity, similar nature, similitude, likeness, alikeness, sameness, identicalness, consistency, resemblance, comparability, correspondence;

Now what is the free man?

In a society obsessed with homogeneity, order and control and its obvious failure vis-à-vis the digital un natural state compared to a human being that is built for chaos and irrationality over millennia of epochs climatic change and wars.

Is it not that the ‘Free man’ is the one completely on the outer realm of society and therefore not even considered as a citizen? Yet we all exist and are in constant rationality of how to solve everything else.

For most people to relinquish the chains and cages given by the consistency of digital order and the chain of command that keep food and shelter in some kind of affordable (for some).

These golden digital chains have ruled supreme for about the last 10 years of accepted norms that most things are best sourced from a global homogenized system. That is now exposed as merely a system that tracks, and predicts your actions and does not allow the exploration or innovation needed to explore time, space or the human spiritual condition.

So what I postulate is that ‘digital media’ and the ‘algorithm’ that it uses are the new jail cell of humanity un able to bypass back to a human-ness that could avoid the on coming reaction of people who chose the most extreme way of expression in a control set. Hence drugs and mental health and behaviors of humans start to become increasingly more volatile and unstable.

For example in the ideogram is like emojis:



plural noun: ideograms

  1. a character symbolizing the idea of a thing without indicating the sounds used to say it. Examples include numerals and Chinese characters.

These symbolic representations are basically a visual representation of how communication is not able to be expressed in a more visceral and personal way. It merely smooths over the lack of need to be honest or express truth’s.

Just the words chosen in the digital communications world.

CELL phone — like we are basically caught in matrix or controlled environment

BlockChain — similar to ball and chain a kind of imprisonment or being chained to something

CRYPTO Currency — Something incredibly secret or unknown.

CELLULAR network — As if we are wet ware or unaware that our CELLS of which our body is also made up of.

NET work — — Casting of some kind of entrapment device made up of links.

VIRAL — As if its representing obsession with remedies and sickness.

These are just a few of the conjunct Heteronyms I have interpreted.

Heteronyms: that are also spelled the same and have different meanings

Anyway figure it out for yourself where you stand in this world.

It will quickly wash out any tide of belief or expectation if you are not at least aware of the nature of control that the algorithm is pointing to you as predictable binary human. My speculation is that this will lead to less an less accountability and more individualism and recalcitrance to forming relationships of any meaning. It will also degrade the sense of self and those things beyond the mundane 5 senses. Which are kind of defined in the following list.

  1. Feeling

  2. intuition

  3. meaning

  4. sensation

  5. belief

All those thins science says does not exist or can not be proven. Yet is the master of all group think from a guru, politician, Leader or CEO. The masters of irrationality and the new forms of Digital control should be investigated deeper than what I can elucidate here.


To know the goo the black or white goo whatever colour makes people happy.

But that moment of sensing alignment of twilight hexagonal shape that started off as circular.

Even that this knowledge is incredibly grounding to know that the earth with out the water on it looks like an apple core.

It is hilarious my friend.

This is all maya. (illusion)

Strange but true times Not the holo-deck but a simpler version of the holo-deck.

the holo-deck you make as chaotic as possible with the most consistency so

as to be scared enough on the ride of the chosen hallucination

to be able to come back and tell and relate. Yet Saturn, Venus of all those hallucinations of the Vedas are dreams of symbols.

The energetic of love how we want to go back and not escape the lunatic asylum and paint Van Gough pictures. The energy finds this compelling searching for a girl, or a man, or a word, or a lifetime of love and toil but we are in the greatest land based water based system of thought and impossible missions limited by the mind of incarceration of loving the cage.

I guess the energy we don’t understand within us loves us so much it will watch us like we watch tv and it will empathise with the water being used for a snow flake and a hydrogen bomb alike. There are uncountable snowflakes of shape and size

there are only a couple of hydrogen bombs.

Which one is more powerful as both come from the same

drop of thought.


Why? I hear you ask.

“Why does the internet have no Heart?”

Well its Simple to Answer.

A: Its a syphon or funnel of the human condition.

Just as Hand to hand combat was removed by the invention of the spear/sword. The internet has become the Human condition removed from personal space (heart centred) to the Artificial, Virtual Reality Cold Mechanics of Binary Reality.

So what does this have to do with the Pseudo science of ‘Heart’ or ‘Feelings?’

So I will first need to express the ‘NOW’ as I see it.

At the touch of a button we are all connected via power cables, wireless frequencies, 4k screens, Bluetooth and various gadgetry that everyday gets closer to extensions of ourselves or intravenous installations within the human body.

We are adapting quickly to a silent consumerism urban self censored beings. We already feel this disconnect in the person to person feel. As within this generation we find it hard to communicate or connect without some safe distance of a screen. Behind this screen we can Troll, and rant and become like angry mobs with digital pitchforks and digital torches.

The online Media and service providers have collected our memories, a definition of our likes and dislikes. Therefore we are collectively advertised to and given every bit of our personal information delivered to our forebrain without even noticing it happening.

We have evolved to see ourselves in the mirror like substance we call the mind. Yet even with all the Psychology and Psychiatry and Neuroscience we are still stuck with an identity crisis calling for control, or a bigger concept to ride into the year 2020 with security and consistency.

“Yet we have the complete opposite.”

So we are on the Road to Binary identity crisis. This is where our heart has left the technology of the internet. We are at the point of product going from innovation, stabilisation and profit while reducing quality.

The increase of Aspergers and High functioning Spectral Autism disorders are actually suited (in some cases) to the concentration and analysis needed in Binary and Coding functions that computing requires.

“So is everyones Fetish rich and honesty poor.”

There is everything on the internet. There is even a dark side of the internet called Dark Web. The truth about all large companies that have enough money to buy multiple countries is also something that needs to be noted.

Now I am not going to go lyrical here! Or write some dirge or dystopian lament about the internet. The slow rot that has started on the earth is quietly a good thing to have happen. We are all mortals and live and die for our habits and limitations. Yet we are losing something more than just moral codes, etiquette, manners, human touch and real communication. In a sense of belonging to a real communion of human feeling and emotion we are now borderless than ever. The personal basis of our definition has been corrupted by the ease of digital life and its segmentation of labours and automations.

“Is there a solution to regain our Heart?”

Yes there is many ways to regain your heart from the Internet. Which has now become a Digital Wasteland Dictatorship run by corporate Globalists.

First is to find your self regardless of your self projected idea of self or regarding yourself as what you post.

Second is to take responsibility; As the whole internet and political system is based on Zero accountability.

Thirdly start using personal ways to communicate and revel in the creativity of you and not what its defined as.

Finally use patience in the cycle of things; Do not blame yourself or others for the predicaments. So Explore the vivid world of living and nature as much as possible.

Adaption is key and it is perfectly good knowledge that with all innovations in the world a War preceded it. We validate our ability to work and invent based on Trauma. Yet none of these inventions have brought us more in to direct reflection of the self than the witches Scrying Mirror of the Smart phone and computer Screen. Like a kind of divination tool we hope to find and share all the knowledge of the world and unify all languages and barriers into one personal hand held or worn device. Yet none of these things have to do with the heart. For example that undefinable energy of a poet or writer or performer that captures magic and makes you believe its true when it is just and expression of something known or unknown. Every one now sees this element as possibly exploited to the maximum. Now in come the accountants to shape your viewing and in turn your mind. As the global village doesn’t need adaption, it needs consistency. As William Shakespear quite eloquently pointed out

All the world’s a stage,And all the men and women merely players;They have their exits and their entrances;And one man in his time plays many parts,

“So is the internet Weaponised yet?”

Yes the internet has its Weaponised persona worked out to be that of defining reality for everyone connected to the machine. Just as the Gutenberg Press made for easily printed publications to shift human belief. We find ourselves at the dawn of mass communication and delivery devices, where Media and audio visual elements can be consumed every minute of every day in a continuous ‘Feed’. We have pundits and Figure heads that play the Court Jester and tell us that what the Media Baron has said is ‘FAKE NEWS’. Which devalues the whole system of knowing something to be true.

So instead of Chiseled tablets with the Ten commandments we have the machine defined moral compass of a Merchant Banker/Slave owner/Corporate CEO/ angsty teenager.

Moses 10 commandments MEME

Saxxon Creative

So to leave it there with a bit of problem, reaction and solution. I have one last lyrical piece to add at the end of the article.

“Internal monologue began to chew at my cynical emotions, the echo chamber of the modern loneliness. I could not grasp what it meant. I could not fathom the depth of each individual, meditative awareness. Our specified ignorance of others. I knew homogenised cities needed distance and ignorance as necessary for survival. Suburban neurosis seemed to reflect how incapacitated, obsessed with rules we all needed, as we wanted to hate something with impunity.Western society had bowed well and truly to the God of fear masked as etiquette, and invented the movie of our lives on social media as a hippy commune without violence. Now the silence was violence. What repressed emotions were now being replayed in some middle eastern country by the Theatre of war, bargaining human lives in refugee states to devalue statehood and cultural identity.Our true sorrow and necessary ignorance at a safe Drone Strike distance somewhere else in the world. The Bliss of convenience.” (excerpt from Soul Nausea Chapter 2 by A M Graetz)

So in summation of all things known and unknown. We are at the cusp of a Internet power play for humanity to build the SERVER TOWER OF BABYLON. Where all languages and cultures are unified as one, building the digital tower to Heaven to Challenge GOD and final redemption or whatever Pay Per View title fight will name it.

Yet there is one thing we are intimately aware of.

That power is finite and human creativity is at the mercy of the elements.

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