As we live in the ominous shadow of hegemonic and kinetic warfare both psyhological and parapsychological.
To add a quick caveat to human eschatology and the constant void we fill with pleasure or war. Be it 3d warfare or the 4D Augmented reality type warefare.
So enough doom and gloom here is the positive thing about the human condition being at the whim of the Earth.
The Caveat to human self destruction is
Drum roll please.
So in the schema of observing cycles. The cart is before the horse in that we had the pandemic before the volcano and now the eclipse that usually precipitates the volcanic reaction. So if you just use the basic pattern of fire, flood and famine. Exchange those terms for Plauge, War and Volcano in non consecutive order.
The last Volcano after an eclipse that was almost fatal was the Taal Volcano in the Philipines 2020 12th of January. Two months later we had Covid lockdowns eventually leading to war. So eclipses are not always a signal of earthquakes but.... when certain cycles and planetary systems are in certain conjunction and orders there is a correlation one can not deny is kind of uncanny.
So after the last non event eclipse over texas on the 8th of April 2024 a large earthquake happened in Taiwan on the the lead in to the eclipse and a slight earthquake happened in the pre ecilpse path of New York.
So that could be the extent of the moons ability to pull the water and tides of the world both underground and sea bodies of water.
I would say that leading into the next full moon in the constellation of Scorpio could have a very detrimental energy shift with either undersea volcano or ancient river systems that cause intense heat and friction into a pyroclastic flow. Using the Taal Volcano as an example where it happened a week or two after the pre christmas day ecilpse. We could apply this to say Eruptions of Popocatépetl 10th November 2017 that is located at the start of the eclipse 8th April 2024.
Lets wait and see what happens there is alot of volcanos in the world and this is just a hypermathematical mystical prediction based on pattern regocnition more than actual facts.
So like always stay safe and enjoy the 29th (give or take three days either side of the full moon) April full moon 2024. I hope nothing happens... alas there is alot of oil sites in the gulf of mexico so.... yeh don't want another deep water horizon event.