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Writer's pictureA M Graetz

Unpopular opinon.

Elon musk as the Anti christ painting meme
Elon musk as the Anti christ painting meme

What could be more convenient than a digital echo chamber praising the saviours of Free speech. A vestibule virgin Billionaire with no controversy or recource some how the stains of past and present fall of the Teflon surface of the Anti-christ incendiary Electric vehicle creator.

This Anti-christ representing the bastion of hope in a suit and tie.

The controlled opposition firebrand, easy going and uncriticised because of its apparent return to Liberty on the platform.

Employing the methodology of persecuted tropes the like of Andrew Tate and Alex Jones to form the much needed bastion of truth. Thus giving the rampant suburban troglodyte proletariat a soapbox of useless digital fingers flailing, their box of breakfast cereal becomes slowly unaffordable.

As inflationary evolution overtakes the ramparts of the scree, like the whore of Babylon's Federal Reserve note. Its wild screaming twelve breasted aims to starve entire populations into a well oiled homogenised apathetic hate machine. Sharpened opinions ready at snap of fingers tweet, to infuriate, militarise and incentivise that click on bait and switch of the universal pursuit to the next freedom screen.

The Patriots of a digital toothless tiger, employ their battle hardened gun oil stained fingers to type the words that serve the base interested, of defending the bad taste in their mouth of dying Capitalisms Caveat emptor.

In regret of the morning light felt, their resolve was revealed as forever weaker as the keys attempt to clear browser histories like an arsonist would set fire to a confession box.

Elon musk as the Anti christ painting meme
Anton LaVey church of Satan Andrew Tate meme

In essence needing the conventional opinions of controversial human tropes, These trope dancing clown talking heads such as Tate and Jones, Give credence to a dying non-critical source of media as they watch every right slowly be eroded in the crashing dollar. And the dancing Conspiracy bears , as they rush to fill the voids of truth in the lie to the proto-form self, de-evolving Primate change into homunculus hunchbacked data entry consumers.

Every wanton Tweeting blue check, popular/unpopular opinion are unified in the one true meaning of allowing the NIMBY, Karen, Doomer, Coomer and Boomer to self flagellate there reactionary posts, A designed helplessness that has zero political semblance to enunciate a real questions.

"Who benefits."

Yet we are distracted, entertained we are the Revolution that will not be televised.

Twitter raises up its digital reptilian Teradactly wings to fly its obese functionality above the where milk masses glazed NPC rainbow flag avatars blurring to the Horizon as X is born a new Prometheus suckling at the New world.

The platform central panopticon of gods server tower of Babel.

A thousand voices unify in emotional frequency to become that vibratory harmonic resonance of mouse clicks that create the walls of Jericho to fall.

Exposing the unmentionable.

the word no person can say.

That beast that cries.

"Why has God fore-saken me."

And in utterance to these final words of Musk nailed to a wooden 'X' there, upon his limp tilted head, lain a crown of Lithium batteries on fire.


The moment followed by a digital silence as every optic fibre river and undersea cable lose light of information.

And from the compost of digital waste of two decades of dead tweets. Alas their is a new born rising from the nuclear watery green haze.

A digital Messiah to lead its children into the new Mosaic app lands of a Nuklearacine era of numinous, ragged edges, as faces reflect the coppery screens glow.

The white dove with olive branch lets out a dying sound.

"Tweet. tweet."

twitter peace dove meme
twitter peace dove meme

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Dec 12, 2023

Thank you Musk, pedo freedom can now flourish!!!!

A M Graetz
A M Graetz
Dec 12, 2023
Replying to

Twitter is a cesspool

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