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Writer's pictureA M Graetz

The Violent Circuit.

Updated: Oct 6, 2023

A Based 3rd party observation on humanities use of Energy.

human circuitry

A good circuit only requires a loop that is broken.

open circuit is broken until the contacts are made

This broken loop of wire where the two ends are separated. They are then the place where contact can happen. This requires action.

While the circuit is broken it is in a a null state where the universe is stable both inside the circuit and also around it there is a peacefulness to the broken circuit of wire.

Once the action is completed of someone or something closing the circuit all the energy that surrounds it.

universal energy
universal energy

Being that it is connected to the universe in its broken state has violence that separates it from the outside to contain the energy within the closed circuit forming a loop of its own definition and behaviour.

unused circuit in the biotechincal water

In a good circuit there is a beginning and a middle and and end like a story or fable it’s design is personal to the creator.

contacts are what complete a circuit when action is made to close contacts

But in this good circuit that keeps its working going it needs a few things. First it needs resistance. So a resistor is inserted into the circuit.

without resistance there is no current flow

Next there is needed a threshold to what the circuit can handle. This is called capacitance. So a capacitor is put in to the wire circuit.

your capacity is set in the design

Then it requires a way of redirecting energy incase the threshold is reached. This is necessary because if the circuit blows it is back to its original state of broken at one with the internal and external energy. In human terms it could be called your capacity to handle things.Then we add the Transistor.

three way transition positive negative positive

This transistor has three options of direction along the copper wire first being positive direction, the second is negative and the third is positive. The negative part of the transistor always is the change of direction when the connection between the two positive connections in the transistor are triggered by the level of what the transistor is set to handle.

There is one addition to the circuit that can keep its behaviour with the universe and that is a photoelectric or photo-diode that triggers the optimum timing of the circuit to work best when the sun rises and rests the circuit when the sun sets.

There are two Light emitting diodes put into the circuit to show that the circuit is on or off. So even when the photodiode has switched off the dormant circuit at night mode can still operate even without the sun. The circuits that are at rest are still active with current and using power but not in an active mode. This rest to the circuit allows for repair and prolonged use of the circuit.

Yet if the circuit is used minimally it could last longer yet it could also corrode with the lack of use and become unable to function at higher use.

The last and final thing that is needed is current. The universe is full of current and energy that needs to be harnessed into the circuit so a battery is needed that uses carbon and acid to produce a reaction of charge that runs the circuit.

stomach acid is like a battery converting calories in to energy

When the circuit is born the switch comes into life violently closing out all the possibilities of infinity of the universe into one set standard circuit that will behave like the circuits made on the laws of good circuitry.

new circuitry

The best circuits always require earthing to discharge too much of the current into a neutral form, otherwise it blows the circuit and the energy dissipates back into the universe to be harnessed by another closing circuit. Now this may seem technically correct but in the realm of thought what is the circuit that is being created there. Yet how did it form from infinity into such a set of refined systems when its initial job was to perform a simple task of replicating circuits and working until the parts of the circuit are worn out.

Death is transitory

One must understand that Sex is an endless circuit,

Love is an endless circuit.

Love is actually eternal

as is Lust, war, greed and addiction. These circuits are only continuous in the fact they can be fed with endless energy used to speed up the process of circuit production.

So thought operates in a circuit that people call the contacts of the broken wire as synapses.

The thought appears yet can not be held without a certain focus and fixation. The capacitor is unknown size but can be constantly expanded until the limits of the infinite are reached. But as you would know this circuit of thought is dependent on external values such as the environment. This is why the circuit has inbuilt circuit breakers for when things get too much it shuts the whole system down or protects the components in the circuit once the threshold has been reached.

The thought of sex can exist but the action can not if there is nothing to fulfil the thought. This is where the switch requires more contact.

sex emoji
sex emoji combination

As the electrical system requires a negative and positive polarity to form the union that will trigger the circuitry of reproduction in the negatively charged circuit. It requires the action of a sort of violence that causes friction between the circuits polarities.

This is so that it can unify its different capacitance and resistance until the positive dominant charge goes into the negatively dominant circuit to replicate a much smaller circuit that will keep the circuitry world replicating and storing more energy into the system of circuitry.

Now back to thought the circuit requires constant form of energy as the good circuitry becomes a standard in the design. So it is thus connected by the universal energy even though its closed its circuit off and only contains the necessary current within it.

Some circuits can open and close at will which is the cause of much upheaval and violence in the changes to the circuit. Some circuits run at extremely high charge and burn out all the components quickly. Other circuits are extremely conservative.

These conservative circuits are built with extreme care so they last alot longer in the circuit cycle. But Regardless all circuits finish their energy when they have done their required capture of energy.

So be very aware when you are making a circuit that you control the outcome of the capacity, resistance and energy used. The best circuits are aware of input and output. Taking care of the circuits function as primary to be optimal is best. The circuits of the universe all have the same amount of duty in their function. some requiring more replacement and upgrading than others but to look after the single circuit first is the optimal. If your circuit is aware enough of the energy, resistance and current the shift to negative and the opening and closing of the circuit can also be mastered.

And can arise above while operating in a complex circuitry environment. As environment is ninety percent of where outside current appears from. Want to evolve the circuits complexity then move towards more resistance, increase current and open circuit to new universal energy closing and opening to wherever your circuits capacitance and transistor can handle.


For further investigation check out John Bedini

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