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Writer's pictureA M Graetz

The Modern Diaspora explanation

whatever it is

interesting that in our culture death and life are separated by the media, business and religion.

Instinct, action and intellect separated by a wafer thin slice of air trained towards perception by school, state or family.

No! I'm not suggesting that everyone is a natural born killer. Yet it seems very much a design in the creation myth.

All our technological development of tools and culture, the sacred and profane have been defined, separated and unified ubiquitously through instantaneous gratification it provides at the click of a button. This internet of electronic hallucinations we live with, accepted death and life without consequences, is as a normal as apple pie in the ever present digital Empire.

Nature in its rawest kills for it's survival.

Human nature kills for preeminence or cultural dominance.

Where am I going with this…?


“Where on a road to nowhere.” (Talking heads).

The cycle of power and powerlessness is an observable fact in the dying Empire of everyone's single individual constitution.

One might speculate that life is going to recapitalise through the epoch of the Anthropocene, or the masses migration of starving nations to new lands.

It is the signal in current times that a rise in fascism creates xenophobic wars in order for nature to cross pollinate and install diversity. The only saving grace might be the Aquarius age of strong analytical skills and facts allowing transparency towards a less dishonest future.

“ They say I'm a dreamer but I am not the Only one.” (J. Lennon).

In closing the adventure is survival and adapting to the change that will never stop until a homeostasis is reached.

When is that?

When you all accept individuality, individually.

Food for thought in a world obsessed with distractions.

When in doubt do nothing.

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