Dantes E-Ferno 2.0 Canto of modernity

Well this economic crash will be interesting. Seeing as the Big banks and Powers that be have been planning this for years to consolidate the market under one globalist roof. It will be interesting in the changes that has happened i.e lets say the observing how much softening of the populace will ease the transition into the globalists plans of absolute dominance.
So as the meme to commemorates the total media control of the mind in this image based culture that rules over everyone,
"One Screen to Rule them all." Lord of the Ring pulls (circa 2002)
Thus shrink wrapping there minds into sectarian digital tribes, neutered and spayed of all power that previously existed. Wandering the earth looking for new products to spend there globalist credits on.
But hey its just another day on planet earth right?
When we let managers, programmers, accountants and lawyers into the Political sphere and believed everything we heard or visually absorbed on the phones, tablets, screens hugging our brains for dear life.
They blame the population for polluting the earth so we must suffer,
but not those in power.
Like the saying goes
"We were born to suffer."
The Digital Divine Comedy of Dantes E-nferno
Circle I: i-Limbo Resided by virtuous non-compliant social credit scores, your social media curtailed your purchasing of food transport or goods is regulated,
Circle II: e-Lust The souls here are punished by loosing their retinas.
Circle III: uber-Gluttony Sinners lie rotting away in a never ending icy rain, overlooked by a worm-monster Mc Ronald Sanders who holds there brown paper bag of food just out of reach.
Circle IV: A.i-Greed The inhabitants drag about heavy weights and boulders with their chest all the time.
Circle V: UFC-Anger The wrathful fight each other on the surface of the river Styx.
Circle VI: Trolling- Heresy The heretics were souls who did not agree to the Globalist doctrine. They are lying in burning tombs.
Circle VII: Antifa-Violence The 7th circle is divided into 3 rings — outer are paid NGO's sinking into boiling blood, The Climate changers grow into bleeding trees, and the inner ring is for Pronoun nazis who reside in a desert of burning sand and are scorched by burning rain falling from above
Circle VIII: IMF-Fraud This circle of Hell is divided into 10 Bolgias or stony ditches with bridges between them. Each bolgia has a different kind of fraud and punishment such as whipped by demons, steeped in excrement etc.
Circle IX: Globalist-Treachery The betrayers are stuck frozen in a lake of ice. The lake consists of 4 rings, with the last level resided by Lucifer, Brutus, Cassius and Judas.