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Writer's pictureA M Graetz

SENSE -Whats it going to take?

Words and music by Sense, follow links for music and artists bio

Words by SENSE:

I've Studied this subject for many many years.. i've been vilified for expressing opinions on the plight of the Palestinian people .. under Israeli Occupation for 75+ years.. I unoquivically believe it is WRONG.. and unjust .. i am not afraid to say so .. People can try and silence me and have definitely tried to do that over the years.. Friends who i thought were friends.. suddenly had a change of heart and attacked me when i expressed the truth about this situation.. thats how it goes..

This song was initially released on an inoccuous compilation called Touched.II, i released it there back in 2014 just after another horrendous bombing campaign by Israel on the people of Gaza and Palestine had occurred.. Thats right this is ISNT the first time this has occurred its literally been going on since the creation of the State of israel ..

Call me Antisemitic if you like .. but i fail to see how that would be accurate .. when i actually Stand with the Semitic Peoples of Palestine...

Doxx me "expose" me, i don't care..

As always i make music that touches me deeply about subjects in the world that i deem to be important.. and this subject of the Murder of more than 14,000 innocent people in just 47 days in the most recent onslaught of Palestinians is certainly a subject high on the list..

As i said i recorded this song long ago .. and actually several others.. during the time .. as it was the only way i knew how to express the feelings i have for this tragic loss of life.. by an over funded over represented over powered Occupying power..

The people of Gaza and Palestine in general just want to live a life with out the threat of death .. with out bombs being dropped on their houses, with out checkpoints with out Walls with out being segregated for being "the other" by those who consider themselves to be superior .. or "more civilised" .. This kind of double standard sickens me today and always has..

This HAS to end .. the people of Palestine .. must gain autonomy .. must have their own land .. and the people of Israel MUST understand that this is essential..

Its gone on far too long for any human being or generations of human beings to bare..

Whats it gonna take ?..

Respect as always ..

Thank you for Deep listening and consideration .

Sense @ Bandcamp

Sense @ Discogs

Sense @ Wordpress

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