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Writer's pictureA M Graetz

Predictions in the 2023 Hyper-transition

Intuitive Historical Referencing, delving into the Speculative Sci-fi world Future predictions.

"The future paints a strange idea of what

we will inherit and not what we will make." (A.Graetz 2023)

“Do you think that the amoeba ever dreamed that it would evolve into the frog? Of course it didn't. And when that first frog shimmied out of the water and employed its vocal chords in order to attract a mate or to retard a predator, do you think that that frog ever imagined that that incipient croak would evolve into all the languages of the world, into all the literature of the world? Of course it fucking didn't. And just as that froggy could never possibly have conceived of Shakespeare, so we can never possibly imagine our destiny”

― Mike Leigh, Naked

Firstly I would like to set the limits of this post to unlimited wild speculation. So here are the subjects in the post that would be discussed so as I don't waste your time making you read anything you find too challenging or outside your belief system. But if your looking for Dystopian go to Rumble, or Bitchute.


This implication is the 1 billion strong 'Dark Continent' that most view as a helpless third world nation with overpopulation, sectarian violence and bad infrastructure. The actual fact is that the fertile nation with strong birth rates and working age people is the new shift towards modernisation of the country. It's been referred to as a basket case country as India was once referred to and China as well. The idea that these places will modernise by the fact of having abundant cheaper resources. The colder than normal temperatures that seem to be cyclic in history will also force a lot of production further south in to the sub-Sahara and central African nations. China has already invested a lot in these African nations with its belt and road initiative. So while the Ukraine proxy war for NATO (USA) vs. Russia takes up most of the political narrative Africa will be the next place of boom and development. How this will happen is a matter of the market. Which in next speculative chapter suggests it will be an abrupt move. Remember there may not be the technology in Africa to become big producers of Semiconductors or the like. But there is the ability to shift the Technology there if the multipolar world becomes too hot in the Asia Minor and South China Sea areas. Watch for the USA or EU to start projects in African countries as the new frontier.


This Semiotic (symbolic) crash that never happens. In strange times where economies shut down for an entire year. The market boomed which is counter to any logic and proves the stock market is an entirely regulated algorithm by the Biggest Corporations i.e Blackrock and Alphabet (and by the time this is published whatever they change their name to). Watch the economic slow burn continue where the elements of inflation creep kill more people than Pol pot, Stalin, Mao and Hitler combined. People will not notice as they will be glued to the screen being told the next villain or major media controversy is. Critical thinking is not abundant or encouraged in this current society so the Market will continue to show slow volatility that favours the few.

Yes we have cryptos and smart contracts and a billion different logos to exchange through the network but no actual person to person trade unless through big Corporation platforms. The only new technology that could challenge the purely symbolic market we have at moment would be D.A.O's "A decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO), sometimes called a decentralised autonomous corporation (DAC), is an organisation constructed by rules encoded as a computer program that is often transparent, controlled by the organisation's members and not influenced by a central government"

Yet in a time where everything is crashing and revolt is rife in society of starving and freezing Westerners it may be hard to convince them to get phone credit, download an app and feel like there purchase through a DAO, is a great act of rebellion against Central government.

Precious metals again are to be the highest focus especially as the Silver age of the 1920's repeats in an affordable metal used in tech production, medical and solar panels.


The rise of Machine learning (or Artificial Intelligence). Is the use of Robots to man tanks or complex decision making for artillery. The majority of Surface to Air weaponry like missiles and large guns will autonomously operate with a basic observer (mostly remote). So infrastructure like transmission towers and portable tech will become mass produced. In the fog of war the eventual ability to see that civilians are the only currency to sway the public in a war-zone. People in the civilian world will become less inclined to side with a military that is used by corporations and not protecting its people. Russia in Ukraine is an interesting proxy war for NATO and allies to attempt to kettle a country that has a purely Defensive army with end game being the protection of mother Russia from invaders. Robotic army devices, tanks drones and miniature tech are the next movement in the war production industrial age. So places like Taiwan with all the semiconductor technology will be of strategic use. Instead of bombing rail infrastructure, roads or Airports. The bombing of technology plants will be the strategic movement in war towards victory over whomever. Once you constrain the chip production the war machine will be choked. Legacy Media will revel in the deaths of civilians to attempt to engender more enthusiasm behind the war. Just as Fuel prices were used in the 1980s and 2000's. People will also demand more transparency using traditional forms of media as the use of the Green screen to entertain the idea of war will become a redundant tool.


Each day the weather changes after the Tonga Explosion the usual winds and sea currents in the Pacific ocean are of course different and a lot cooler summers have appeared instead of long weeks of heat waves that would cause fires and shutdowns of work and sections of the economy. Records of rain and flooding has set the tone for two years straight and looks like to continue. Historically we are looking at the biggest change in weather from Volcanic events, or 'event'. For example The 'Toba' catastrophe theory holds that this event caused a global volcanic winter of six to ten years and possibly a 1,000-year-long cooling episode, leading to a genetic bottleneck in human evolution. Which throws the human climate change idea out the window. Which I would argue the Anthropocene is a proposed geological epoch dating from the commencement of significant human impact on Earth's geology and ecosystems, including, (but not limited to), anthropogenic climate change. So yes the world has had human influence and various controls changing areas into either fertile land or desert. Yet we are not powerful enough yet to summon a Volcano or terraform the earth using the billions of Volts of electricity needed to move substrata of the earth into various locations. So if it were Iceland volcano we would have European die-off of population, an Indochina volcano then Asia minor would have no sun or food for however many years. If the Tonga eruption in 2021 was a precursor to weather change we could be in Hawaii, The battle for air leads into the chapter of Reverse Migration.


The various climatic changes in the world basically March 2023 November 2023 and January 2024 will be the pivotal movements of the drastic changes in societal cohesion.

This is a time of immense change and evolution. The dark hubris of people talking like the end of the world is nigh. They are misguided heretics that mostly want the eschaton of final judgement. Societies have risen and fallen and only stone structures and carvings remain. Which basically states our history is not safe on an electronic medium. The Reverse migration will be the people leaving highly populated areas for green zones. These areas or pockets not yet exploited by mining or pollution will force people to live in steeper higher altitude areas. The Volcanic moment could be the change to the environment that will starve out the population into the boats and traversing to islands / countries with low population density and mostly agrarian areas. 2020 was a test case of epidemic proportions should the worst case scenario happen with volcano or earthquake moment. Cities that do not become more nationalistic in the agrarian sense of food production will be hit the worst. I would say this ties into the African Decade as new production hubs and ports become premium as they did in the 1700's when all the European Expansion into Asia and India became used for supplies and trade. There will have to be a fight against slavery in the next few years and value for community life. A De-industrialisation of the world in these places of micro trading between countries using larger ships.


This is self explanatory, having a homogenised media or Chat GPT media that basically just states the obvious and nothing negative leads to dissent and rebellion. It ferments miniature media that will do anything to cause rifts. Of course big Government, corporation and the like will be out to shut down and criminalise the 'Truth movement'. Which in time basically dissolves into Chaos and anarchy and the rise of the criminal class to restore order and trade. We may see a communitarian approach to the dispersion of information and to be honest if you Sim-card was associated to your DNA and real person you would be easier to manage in a mass of people. So you can see the logic of freedom being a limitation of the want to experience consequences in a endless gossamer of images and text based reactions to everything. The non-transparent Algorithms and the like will have to be amended or at very least published in its function. The public has already realised through the purchase of twitter and release of banned accounts that it was controlled by big Government forces and corporations. So any media outlet be it Truth based or government propoganda. There will need to be a Raw Data site that evolves. Or a real return to print based community run papers that utilise both online and printed versions of the news. This will initiate a new way of telling the story of news. What that will look like is anyones guess with either technology evolving automation or people evolving to more traditional hand made ways of making news.


An evolution in fashion and return to what community values regard as dress or acceptable attire. This will be the most obvious future connection to personal expression and freedom being a more defined area. Depending on the ethnic fashion area to what people will wear will be defined by geography but not exclusively. There historical fashion cliches will be evolved to modern times but yeh, old is always new in the world of fashion. In Tandem with the Reverse Migration i.e people looking for fertile lands will be the event of various disappeared jobs and enterprises like travelling salesman, trading posts and elements a purely transient society will need in the advent of natural shift in weather and zones of survivability. Old time values will definitely compete with the digital ideals of morality and entertainement. I am not suggesting a 'Idiocracy' movie but there will be a definite split between those chained. to technological digital systems of food and shelter and those who are of an almost 1900's type amalgamation of the information systems in technology and natural balance of food and shelter. Thier are those who will rely on the digital realm, and those who use the digital realm purely as a tool and not as entertainment. This will not be an easy shift and I would have to predict humanity will only shift when a global event happens that will combine climate, eugenics, democide and warfare (germ or traditional guns).


An epoc in societal change always results in traditional church having to re-tool or be blamed. There could be a neo pagan revival in media form only. This would allow traditional Religions to rise to the task and with the traditionalism revival and evolution could appear. The next few years there will be a large amount of cults appearing that were previously hidden. And media will be exposed for demonising non traditional religions. The cult like aspect will rise out of the lack of meaning that the void post-capitalism and the end of modernity experience not delivering the goal needed to keep a society believing in a future paradigm. Yet in-between the various popular religions there will the good and the bad as always, but for sure there will be a rise in worshiping nature with the hope that consistent weather and good harvests will happen.


A Beige colour that sounds neutral and a beige revolution is a proposed neutral view of things will most definitely happen in the next decade. Call it Monochrome, grey or opaque whatever name you want. The difference from the revolution being an apathetic viewpoint is that a 'Beige revolution' that would suggest a goal of change in perception of the human evolution. Is that a Beige revolution is detachment from definitions in general. The detachment from the weaponised language of the internet, that has been happening for the last fifty years in print form to the last twenty years on social media and forums. You can see the plural views on various definitions happening now. Once plural definitions hits the apex of this movement it will move more towards neutrality. Which is what people will be wanting and needing in the future as the large social media and mass media leviathans disappear due to their inability organically allow innovation.

In Conclusion:

This is the most interesting thing I am speculating in the next few years and decades. The fact that regardless of view point the world will not be the same in the next few years and well. Adaptability will basically usurp all educated, intellectual and technological abilities as the surface of the earth becomes less predictable due to the changes in the Air.

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