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Writer's pictureA M Graetz

Muskovite - The Globalist antichrist

As we see in all great power struggles that seem to cyclically happen regardless of historical knowledge/amnesia. We are at a pivot point where the Globalist Elite are on the ropes metaphorically speaking.

The Elites or 'i- Lites' have spent all their selfish time and money and well. Yer in the world we are seeing a slow accounting department is doing the sums. Public perception is changing yet still basically unaware. Politically the mass of people sit betting on Left or Right, Blue or Red, heads or tails which is not Democratic it is a 50/50 Technocracy.

Also with the Legacy media making a marriage between corporation and state the complete veil over the masses that have no discernment or critical reasoning. So we have a cluster F...k of competing ideologies.

In current time of the year ending 2022, screen time is the new god of the people. The items of freedom of speech being shown as a contradiction in its self. I could reference all the dystopian novels that gives validation to the strange situation of lies and corruption that maintain power. I find these written examples are merely seeds that give continuity to the irregularities and hidden agenda's behind so many labels we are fed.

The world controlled by hashtags and trends that we are barely able to discuss without the idea being thrown into a pit of doxing, despair and confusion. In these times of technocratic Democracy, there is essentially not a 'Truth' available to the people en-masse. The trending matrix of social media is to find Consensus between the individual and give meaning to the label they believe in. If this does not work use shock tactics to traumatise people into a state of gossip and speculation.

So in the network of things (not the internet of things). We are given a choice of information feed between the major players of Twitter, Google, Tiktok, facebook and Netflix. The business model is to keep people on these screen based networks 24/7 to profit out of advertising revenue.

Now to get to the Musk-ovites.

Firstly the parody is not at the expense of the people that live in Moscow Russia. The meme based culture of humour is to poke fun at the fact there is Anti-russian sentiment in the western legacy media. Musk is about to reveal somethings about the way the world is being run and those in power 'EU' 'Apple' and 'Democrats' to name a few. The use of the cliche of the Anti-Christ is to evoke the narrative that a person arrives who has charm and the interests of the people and promise of a better world never ends well.

The world is enamoured by this evocative person to the point of religious devotion that it is not seen to be a bad thing that now everyone has turned in one direction to follow this enigmatic person deified in the canon of the internet. Now I am not suggesting that Muskovites are devotees of Musk or that there will be a mass acceptance of the rebellious appearance when taking on the Deep state and the oligarchs that finance what ever they deem to be the best path of humanity to take.

So here we sit at the precipice of the change in humanity where exposure happens at a pace never seen before.

'Cui Bono?' (who benifits) SPECULATIVE SCIENCE FICTION

This is the 44 billion dollar question.

If I were to look into the crystal ball / scrying mirror of the internet LED screen I would willingly speculate that we will see many truths become irrefutable in the next 3 months. This will mostly centre around various corruption talking points of the leaders of the world and other Globalist patsy's that have initiated the downfall of most existing structures and capitalist systems post 2019. The reaction will be both palpable and remorseful. Yet it is the middle class that screams for war the loudest and it might just be heard. Yet it will not be traditional war. As it will be hard to feed armies or civilians if Volcanoes erupting keep destroying the value of carbon Credits and the ability to grow food. The profits will have to be maintained yet as a world of people we are not aware enough of the reality. We choose the trending topics as guide in a form of avoidance. This leads to the rise of cult like devotion to possibly a person like a Musk or similar.

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