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Writer's pictureA M Graetz

Machete for president - ̶2̶0̶1̶6̶ 2024

P.R, Grind House Cinema and it’s Hegemonic relationship to American ideology in the 2016 United States Election.

MEME artwork ‘Machete ̶2̶0̶1̶6̶ 2024 Election’ by A M Graetz

Now for the Story and Plot click the link to the Wikipedia Article =>

The election of a Hispanic President?

Now as most modern elections around the world are decided by Marketing companies and not votes. I like to scan Popular Culture, film and various trends for Markers of which way the PR company will go with the Next Election in ̶2̶0̶1̶6̶ 2024.

I know I have lost a lot of Patriotic American readers by now.


One of the most amazing scenes in the plot of a movie written in 2012 is that the President of the United States of America, President Rathcock, (Played by Carlos Estévez; Charlie Sheen’s birth name). He gets Elected by hisbuilding a wall along the U.S/Mexican Border to keep the illegal Aliens out. Also Legalising Marijuana and Protecting the Second Amendment with a vengeance. (see youtube presidential election commercial).

Now I here you all saying what does this have to do with the 2016 Presidential Election?


Basic themes represented in the Current ̶2̶0̶1̶6̶ 2024 Election campaigns.

Bernie Sanders: Proposal of legalisation or decriminalisation of Marijuana.

Trump: Wants to build a wall and make Mexico Pay for it.

Hillary: A Technological deception of the public followed by proposals to have all rights of privacy removed from the internet.

Ted Cruz: To create a unified America and protect the right to bear arms. (see tweet)

Above: One of Ted Cruz’s most re-tweeted post.

Now that we have the similarities that can be drawn in parallel to the main popular candidates running in the ̶2̶0̶1̶6̶ 2024.

What does that have to do with anything?

I hear you ask.

Predictions of the American cultural identity and the leader’s suitability to fit the mould.

Any Leader can be shaped to suit the expectations or trends of what the social morass and die hard Right or Left wing wants. The symbolic reference of the Grind house underdog character of Machete, an anti-hero in most perceptions. Who was wronged by a drug cartel Boss, as Machete would not accept bribes as a Federale (Mexican Federal Police man). The Cartel Boss beheads his wife with samurai sword.

Note the symbolic reference to Beheadings are a popular shock tactic used by the various Terror Groups.

Machete represents the classic archetype of the American/Latino ideology leader father figure devoid of emotion and driven by the of law, revenge and sexual promiscuity. In the First Machete movie the Bad guy’s are always the puppet masters behind the politicians supported by a hidden Drug or Military Cartel that finances the symbolic Politician that acts as a popularist.

Excerpt taken from Machete advertisement for Sen. John Mc Laughlin

What does this have to do with the Election?

Well I was hoping to point out a very well researched, tongue in cheek article. In addition to adding a clever sense of ironic use of language and metaphorical popular culture examples.

But I must start writing here based on opinion only.

To predict a specific outcome would be presumptuous at best. This is because the marketing Guru’s behind the elections always have a Deus ex Machina (god from the machine), or as its known in script writting as “Unrelated character that resolves the plot.” In cards its known as the ‘Joker’ or ‘Wild Card’.

These can be played in society and the Media very effectively with examples as follows. Human tragedy on US citizens, sexual scandal, false flag assasination and extortion.

Note these are all the main storyline twists in both Machete movies.

Here we have the dysfunctional Male dominant Characters, of which I will name in basic stereotypes of Rich, Hispanic, Socialist and Doctor.

With the single powerful female figure of Hillary Clinton looking to reclaim and redeem the deficiencies of the Patriarchal system. It could be said she is to avenge the betrayal of her husband Bill Clinton. A Medea Type character represented in both Machete Movies by a Whorehouse Madam in the sequel and a Female Revolutionary in the first movie.

Now there is very little room for objectivity here and even less room to resolve a heavily cliche and stylised movie with a conclusion.

This is why the article will end with


Just Joking…

The prominent movie themes display the American psychological cliches of guns, sex, power through manipulation and control. The cultural obsession with winning and Justice the second most prominent theme. The third is the constant need of progressive political symbolic representatives and space exploration through technological development.


So in conclusion of most successful Presidential candidates post 1900’s were merely representatives (or symbolic) of corporate interests. So we will see a possible battle between Hillary and Ted Cruz with Trump thrown in for more delusions of grandeur. We will see the future space race/battle of the third sequel of Machete in Space, with more wars relative to the final frontier.

Closing thoughts

We must wait to see what Robert Rodriguez dishes out in his third instalment to see if the American century is about to change from Military capitalist, welfare state, to a technological space race exploring new frontiers.

Or as Elon Musk said when giving Machete final words of encouragement as he stepped into the Spaceship.

“Get the bastards…” Elon Musk. (Machete kills, 2013; Robert Rodriguez)

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