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Writer's pictureA M Graetz

Irrational Revolution in an Information Age.

trump meme New yorker parody cover

Where can you find the most symbolic point of exposing the State (2016 circa posted)

‘TRUMPTATORSHIP — The Art of Social Decline’ by A M Graetz

Everyone knows they are being lied to in some form or another. Acceptance that white lies, or deception is necessary in a political system, is product of the value we place upon information, secrets and monitary wealth. This is the product of distrust that permiates human existence. Yet it only exists in culture where it reveals its true meaning and nature. Excluding Pyschopaths, Sociopaths and other assorted disorders that lack empathy. The Mass of humanity in the largest percentage are being played at the game of deception. Where expectation and fear based economic manipulation are at the core principals of control.

So here is the question we ask:

Q: Is there a limit to how much a lie can become the accepted truth, when it no longer reflects anything in the real physical world?

A: Yes. With popular culture and technology. The revolution will most definitely be web-casted, posted, tweeted, retweeted and made into a Meme.

We live in a moment where the technological innovation and breakthroughs are at such a pace of discovery, that barely any laws, governments or teenagers can keep up with it.

Below I have listed a quote by Chris Hedges, who succinctly distills the capitalist movement and our acceptance of this new ‘i-paradigm’ in a short paragraph.

“The moral nihilism of celebrity culture is played out on reality television shows, most of which encourage a dark voyeurism into other people’s humiliation, pain, weakness, and betrayal.”

― Chris Hedges, Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle

Now as this quote may fill you with a dystopian hubris of hopelessness and drive you to drink away the very thought it evokes. Let me allay your fears to encourage continual reading. Assuring that within this piece of writing will be many obvious uses of sarcasm, pun, similes and ironic metaphors.

Herewith I will list a two notable examples of ‘Image Based Causes.’ These popular iconoclasts of the information age, are pivotal in Historically defining our memories of an event. The first example started after March 2000’s Dot-Com Boom and inevitable Bust moment.

September 11th 2001 — Twin towers Disaster.

It probably will be recorded as the most televised event across the world. Holding the worlds attention for the longest duration of time on all media channels. This was unprecedented and also pre-video phones and the civilian e-journalism movement. It could be noted that there was a certain directorial ability of the media feed that displayed the collapse and aftermath of the destruction with complete control over the Chaotic moment.

2008 — Global Financial Crisis.

The world observed the largest and most powerful monetary systems pressing the reset button. As trillions of dollars were laundered back into the most occult clandestine Banking, trading and Economic system ever invented. By decree of the first Coloured President, Obama. Wall street was allowed to keep humming along smoothly with complete immunity from the law.

“Now what does this have to do with Irrational Revolution?” I hear you ask.

Well fist we must look at the non violent Irrational Revoutionary movements that spawned from these pivotal paradigm game-changer moments in recent history.

  1. Occupy Movement

  2. Wiki-Leaks (and associated Conspiracy Theorist channels)

  3. Anonymous (hackers group)

  4. Die Ins

Now traditional angry marching mob protests, may have possibly appeared in history when irrational groups of people were coerced, via religion or gossip. That a certain person (or group), should be taken from there position in the community and exiled or killed.Now in this tech-savvy age we have updated the pitchfork and flaming torches, for Mobile phones, portable camera Devices and ubiquitous Molotov Cocktail and or Red Flares to keep within the ‘Angry Mob’ visual cliche.

The Infiltration of an Irrational Revolutionary movement.

The Usual Infidels, Art of Deception’ MEME by A M Graetz

Now first point about Occupy is that a system in the public domain is easily infiltrated by government, police, secret service and law makers. That is a known fact and so it has its place in civil disobedience, but not on a long term basis.

Leakers and conspiracy Theorists are almost as easily co-erced as there media image is easily controllable via certain pre-quels, bio-pic movies, online articles or mass corporate media feeds. The governments or despot can use these images of rebels for the people, to make the populace believe in whatever Government rhetoric they wish to disperse to the dissident, cynical and counter-culture communities of society.

Yet there is never anything Leaked about Israel?

Anonymous Hackers group appears to be a new style of government covert operation. It can now requisition the publics passwords and information while people protest and complain about certain laws removing individuals protection of privacy. Anonymous relieves information in drip feed to the public. And its rather convenient that they are forever anonymous.

Yet never anything is ever Hacked in Israel?

Now finally there is the ‘Die-in’s’. A never convenient bur more drastically named version of protest form called, ‘a Lie-in’. As they technically do not actually Die but pretend to do so in some public area of note.

“So what Irrational Revolutionary tactics work?” I hear you ask.

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