The Globalist Unabomber post covid world.
"But I don't predict a revolution."
Now this is in no way an attack on any person individually but merely using a satirical trope/meme of three well known personalities to express a theoretical framework of the problems facing a society in dire de-evolution. Ted's 35,000-word manifesto was titled ‘Industrial Society and its Future’ and he used it to claim: “The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. A claim only rendered correct by those who didn't see the benefits. Now as the Unabomber is canonised into the American empire of narratives it will be used in the next strain of propaganda to bring physical and biological profound changes. This article will be mostly referencing Ted's work Theodore J. Kaczynski 'The Road to Revolution.'
Ted now the model archetype for globalist subversion that 'Greta-ism' and globalists have exacted into new technological class of human. Faced with a technocratic 'Democide' it appears that Ted's contradictory statements have become the most accurately prophetic.
Elon Musk writes the Unabomber’s notorious manifesto warning about the dangers of technology “might not be wrong”. As Musk gets approval to start microchipping human brain to endeavour another tech-solution to various human problems.
Industrial society has reached a common distance from previous origins of human societies relationship with nature. Ted in his manifesto that was very able to discuss the 'mutations' of transformation of biotechnology, discusses as the 'loss of humanity itself' as the greatest risk of revolt in society.
So globalists have made a small girl of Swedish origin to be the face of a highly secretive society pushing the narrative of saving the planet from 'climate change'. Then Using Elon Musk as leading propagandist for the freedom movement. It could be postulated Ted's manifesto has been re-written in the image of a power hungry, un elected group of oligarchs, technocrats and bankers that gather at DAVOS to plan their social engineering in secret.
What this image of Greta and Ted satirical/meme suggests, the human condition has metastasised into the most dangerous group known as the middle class. Similarities between the Climate change manifesto and the Unabomber's manifesto is as follows.
Bombing of Technological or political adversaries. (USA, Drones. Vs. Ted, Mail Bombs)
Lauding 'Nature' as the answer and a value system. (Climate change Vs. Ted Nature)
Revolution as being an existential one versus a physical revolution. (Biotech, Vs return to Nature
Central controlled Commerce vs. Agrarian free market based on the best human values.
So in closing the elements of the Globalists and the Unabomber are on a similar path towards the need for regime change on a massive scale using agriculture, biotech and engineering to progress the human society in a historical bloodless digital coup d'état using chemicals, identity transformation and convenience while utilising the striving for power and prestige as the medium of exchange. This is what Ted's manifest discusses as 'transforming man itself' to which he then rather prophetically refers to humans as being rendered superfluous and obsolete by machines invented to be far smarter and more reliable than humans.
"But I don't predict a revolution...There are (sic) factors standing in the way of Revolution, among them the following."
a.) Lack of belief in the possibility of a revolution... due to the perception of the size and power of the system.
b.) Propaganda... by modern media. This undermines the revolutionary task of undermining Techno-industrial values.
c.) the Pseudo-revolutionaries... people priding themselves without being committed to the overthrow of the existing system. Playing at revolution to satisfy their own psychological needs. These pseudo revolutionaries may form an obstacle to the effectiveness of an effective revolutionary movement.
d.) Cowardice ... Society has taught us to be passive, obedient and horrified at physical violence... Modern life is conducive to laziness, softness and cowardice.
Those who wish to be revolutionaries will have to overcome these weaknesses."
T.Kaczyinski (Road to Revolution 2008)