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Writer's pictureA M Graetz

Green Communism

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Green Soviet Flag

Forget Reds under the Bed. The old 1950’s saying of anti communist rhetoric to keep the Cold war of those nasty Chinese and Russians that don’t have 100 different kinds of Toothpaste to choose from.

Green Chinese Communist flag

The new Threat is the Green Communists. The Global elite that will employ the exploitation of nature in artificial or real time. And you and I will pay for it to make Oligarchs and billionaires happy to post QR codes on old Growth forests and Amazon Trees that they can buy and sell on a floating market of imaginary controls that will effect the floods, or fires or anything.

Green Vietnam communist flag

So because its a new Financial Product the exploitation can assist your big banks and war machine to balance the books with hostile takeovers, installation of dictators and financial hegemons that can keep the new economy going.

“Don’t use plastic straws you are killing the fish. Forever chemicals. micro plastics.”

The mantra will be scremed from every screen in 20 different languages and you credit system value of your human life as a CONSUMER, will be erroded as they shift whatever goal posts they want. CBDC’s Central controlled Crypto currencies and no way to trade or buy without it.

We cannot conceive of cities going - overnight or possibly ever. But we can conceive of greening them. Of planting trees, of breaking them down into more human size, of reducing the power of the centre. We can conceive of people choosing to live in smaller communities where they can know and support each other.Will technology go? Will we return to the wild? Hardly. We have no wish to see a return to backbreaking labour, a continuation of the ridiculous number of hours we work. However, any technology a green communism chose to use would have to be long lasting and designed not to pollute, not to destroy. It would tend to be smaller scale and more manageable, less reliant on specialists. By getting rid of useless work, by escaping the cash economy, we will be able to produce enough to feed, clothe and house the planet's population. To provide enough of what people really need, rather than artificially produced wants. For all to live a life that is worthwhile, freed from the fears that surround us today. (

An Ideological construct of the Road to Hell paved with good intentions. Yet everything said in the quote seems reasonable and logical answer to the old ways of exploitation and markets based on capping capitalism.

The marked beast, with the mark of the Beast. Have your Biometric and DNA data ready to be tested so the machine can spit out your state approved GREEN food or Soylent Green Burger.

“the world has more cycles and intelligence than science and politics. The Anthroposene intervention is a futile exercise in eschatology. Welcome to your new financial products of Green Communism.”

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