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Writer's pictureA M Graetz

The FAANG Reich and the BRIC'sKrieg's Demoligarcracy

The Corporate Rise of Fascist Digital Ideologies to save Capitalism from its decent into obvious totalitarianism.


FAANG the stock leviathan of control


Now this is a time to remember in that the most powerful companies on earth collectively have more wealth than most nations combined.

So why would I compare FAANG companies to the 3rd Reich of Nazi Germany.

Answer: It has similar ideological control over mass audience that relates to Threat and Reward managment in society.

A dangerous precedent when this has a uniting ideology of complete control over the worlds money and products. Therefore it controls the mass of society living in the fear of uncertainty.

Inverted totalitarianism is a term coined by political philosopher Sheldon Wolin in 2003 to describe the emerging form of government of the United States. Wolin analysed the US as increasingly turning into a managed democracy (similar to an illiberal democracy.

Just an idea that “Managed Democracy” sounds like what China has…

Now as most Totalitarian states would have you see them as people dressed in drab uniforms and posters giving cult of personality. The ($)4th Reich is not attached to traditional forms of belief or Demagogue. The new control is set about by Media, Products and Feeds. How to get an individual to become associated to the ideology with the idea in there personality that they are individual. The mass of consumerism has reached more than tipping point. And the “Time bending.” employed by the mass Media over-reach of News and tragic events. These rise in the mass mourning of society to find collectivity. It employs the Holocaust ideology of un-answerability to any questions or solutions.

The tragedy always outweighs accountability or questions raised.

In the face of a vast number of small tragedies. Mass shootings and economic rifts and various enemies created across the globe. The mass employment has everyone label reading the shared impact. Any form of rational discourse or solutions are quickly showered by the media arguments that employ ‘Us versus them.’

While Freedom and democracy are just overused terms.

Both have no way of introducing people to any empowerment. Yet people march, and expect that a control system will be able to match the need to enforce any real change to equality.

FAANG is a perfect example something of a Leviathan of Corporations with no oversight. No visible Leader. No electoral system for the public to correspond with the moral or economic visions of these companies. They also control language so that is the give away.

When a person was asked what would you do if you were king of the world.

His answer was “Write the dictionary.”

Owning the power of language is the first dictatorial aspect of owning a greater number of people and keeping them in lock step.

People just expect that the companies are rationally providing what the people want.

The fact is the exact opposite.

The Corporate culture is guiding the rationality of people to a collective that can not find true individual conversation with what is happening to the planet or the way its run.

Now there is no way to say anything bad about these companies or if they have a collective dream other than profit and new products. Its just interesting that there is always a bigger threat available when these companies are found to be doing the most immoral and un-democratic behaviours.

Once a person arrives at the point of proof a Tragedy then instantaniously a Threat appears as if cued by some overall director.

Like the movie ‘Wag the Dog’ All the characters are willing actors and directors of a War to keep the public happy.

In the speculation that this article proposes is that FAANG will become a rising economic form of coin, or cashless group of companies that work on some kind of Blockchain exchange system.

The inharmonious variation of being that is best described in the song

Slave to the Company store

Song: The Company StoreLyrics: Isaac HannaThe lot of the miner,At best is quite hard,We work for good money,Get paid with a card;
We sarcely can live,And not a cent more,Since we’re paid off in checksOn the company store.Those great coal monopoliesAre growing apace,They are making their millionsBy grinding our face;Unto their high pricesThe people pay toll,While they pay fifty centsFor mining their coal.They keep cutting our wagesTime after time,Where we once had a dollar,We now have a dime;While our souls are near famished,And our bodies are sore,We are paid off in checks,On the company store.Though hard we may laborBut little we have;We are robbed of our rights,Though we fought for the slave.
Monop’ly keeps graspingFor more and still more;They will soon own the earth,Through the company store.We sign then a contractAs agreed between men,Though it holds us like slaves,It never hold them;And when they’ve exhaustedThe old contract score,They capped the climaxWith the company store.The old pirates and brigandsWho fought hand to hand,Who would scuttle a ship,Or pillage the land,Have formed a collusionAnd all come on shore,And now ply their tradeThrough the company store.But when those old worthiesAre called to their doom,I think honest businessWill enjoy a great boom;
And when they are finallyCalled from our shore,I hope they’ll take with themThe company store.

I am unsure if it will get to the point of having the entire world on the Card to the FAANG store but as you can find in the way the world is going. There is definitely a control set to manage 7 billion in some way. And FAANG is an example of the rise of a new form of control. Be it for the good or bad elements of society…. That is for anyone to speculate. Its just interesting to delve into history to see the possibility of what we may encounter as a quickly developing technologically dependant society.

Any form of emancipation from the compliance to corporate and Government marriage, could definitely be a return to nature and its laws rather than those of a predictable experiment based on artificiality

BRICSkrieg logo parody


The BRICS, which is the acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, are the new group of countries forming an alliance to use common import-export agreements.

With every major economy expecting to become the next world leader of the basket of economies, there is one greater existential hurdle: finding a willing populace.

After Covid attempted a Pol Pot-style global coup d'état, its failure has left an immeasurable rift in the social contracts between transient governance and totalitarian permanence, using world-named corporations such as the WHO, NATO, and the CFR, among others. There were other major players making sovereign demands on independent countries and their public. These unelected globalist corporations and fund management systems are essentially being outed each day as psychopathic, delusional dictators wrapped in corporate bureaucracy, protected by the elite oligarchies of the world.

So the only word that seemed to sell the world after a decade of digital softening was CORONA. After 20 years of Bird flu, Mad Cow, Swine Flu, it was a Bat that sold the world a fake entity to usher in more social control mechanisms.

Their one big mistake was not giving the public an irrational sky god or belief system to continue with the takeover. So, through a lack of imagination, we stand at the precipice of the New Dawn of the collected countries that have strict belief systems, making the West look incredibly weak in its loss of Christendom and traditional values for a more plural system of meta-divisions to give identity to every possible permutation of sexual, gender, and political race theories. But with this disintegration, there is the possible entry of new players. Russia with its strict Hetero-Christianity, China with its zero tolerance of Muslim belief systems, India with its anarchic million gods and counting mixes with Brazil's Catholic mass reproduction system. So, with these traditional value state-type systems intact while the West attempts to transition to a new world of trade based on globalist traditions backed by outdated religions of the past, this will fail after a resurgence. But no dice in a digital world with a dying internet lacking novelty and innovation. Commerce and trade are fickle at best and would most probably be denied by globalists as not equitable to the morality of the state backed by its anti-novelty values.

The West (NATO, UN, EU, Oceania) is gambling on the novelty of a new digital economy where the slaves are freed by YCYOR (you create your own reality), essentially embracing a nodal type of New Age philosophy backed by psychology and human manipulation tokenization of the body politic into LGBTQI or any number of preferences with hormone replacement therapy or the label being inclusive of the new people now wanting political freedoms with flags that have no countries or land to speak of. This was the use found for indigenous peoples left over from colonialism. Give them lands, special privilege, and no political influence. The same system is instituted now with the demand for inclusivity of these UBUNTU lands of LGBTQI and Trans and people of races that are oppressed. Now, in the meantime, while people find novelty and argue over such trivial things for benefits, the global governance of trade and money quickly goes into hyper marketing mode of needing a new Messianic belief system that will allow people to trade and communicate with only the rich and elites, suppressing who can reach heights and who cannot by allocating and refining the algorithm to suit a peaceful transition with no rebellions or cause for upheaval in the New Digital Monarchy that requires the central server to be king of the land and air.


Addressing the Crypto-elephant in the Room that every Totalitiarian wants is the ultimate digital currency centralised and agreed upon by the heavywieghts of Industry and Social controls.

Kamala Harris Presidential Button

With The Ailing President of Mr Biden who seems unable to form coherent sentences has his window of opportunity set down to a limited amount of time leading up to the election.

Breaking down the word Crypto -Currency

Crypt A crypt (from Latin crypta “vault”) is a stone chamber beneath the floor of a church or other building. It typically contains coffins, sarcophagi, or religious relics.

o meaning zero. the byte of information and zero dependence on physical form

Currency = A currency, in the most specific use of the word, refers to money in any form when in actual use or circulation as a medium of exchange, especially circulating banknotes and coin

put all three together and you have a hidden bank pyramid scheme that doesn’t physically exist at all.

How this can look lucrative to the Millenial Generation has me completely baffled but intriegued.

It seems that the media that constantly advertises its mainstream benifits is going to keep it alive and in everyones face as an alternative.

so yeah it might just be the future.

On the other hand it might just be the biggest funded Pyramid Scheme that comes crashing down. Its always bizarre how things are allowed to exist for a reason.

And Cui Bono ‘who benifits’…

Lemarchand’s box is a fictional lock puzzle or puzzle box appearing in horror stories by Clive Barker, or in works based on his original stories. The best known of these boxes is the Lament Configuration, which features prominently throughout the Hellraiser movie series
Lemarchand’s box is a fictional lock puzzle or puzzle box appearing in horror stories by Clive Barker, or in works based on his original stories. The best known of these boxes is the Lament Configuration, which features prominently throughout the Hellraiser movie series
Lemarchand’s box is a fictional lock puzzle or puzzle box appearing in horror stories by Clive Barker, or in works based on his original stories. The best known of these boxes is the Lament Configuration, which features prominently throughout the Hellraiser movie series
Lemarchand’s box is a fictional lock puzzle or puzzle box appearing in horror stories by Clive Barker, or in works based on his original stories. The best known of these boxes is the Lament Configuration, which features prominently throughout the Hellraiser movie series

So as the world loosed faith in the Fiat currencies of the World Bank basket (case) of exchange and trade. And as Trump prophetically decrees Jerusalem as the capital of the Zionist Jews of Israel. We first must return to that sketchbook with selective eraser we call “HISTORY”.

The split of early Christianity and Judaism took place during the first centuries AD. It is commonly attributed to a number of events, including the rejection and crucifixion of Jesus (c. 33), the Council of Jerusalem (c. 50), the destruction of the Second Temple and institution of the Jewish tax in 70, the postulated, and largely discredited, Council of Jamnia c. 90, and the Bar Kokhba revolt of 132–135.

So as you can see from the Wikepedia summary. If you have land and economy in your religion you have a good stead of survival. You just need Monetary/Religious Belief, Food and Weapons to stabilise and destabilise as necessary to keep the progress going.


I hear you ask.


“In the 14th century, the Medici family used the power of its newly invented, double-entry accounting system to build a cross-border banking empire that banks still use today. Now more than 600 years later, cross-border payments total moreMedici’s system uses “nostro” and “vostro” accounts — in English that translates to “ours” and “yours.”

The bitcoin ledger, a two-column spreadsheet with who owns what, is simply the 21st-century version: 12 million rows — one for each person who owns bitcoin. The second column shows how many they own and that column totals 14 million bitcoins today. It’s a very clear public record of who owns what — one that does not require paying a third party to keep those accounts.”

So here in our electronic Hallucinations of money being mere numbers held on a server that continuously creating Blocks of code to well… Wikepedia has explanation

“The first blockchain was conceptualised by a person or group known as Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. It was implemented the following year as a core component of the cryptocurrency bitcoin, where it serves as the public ledger for all transactions on the network.[1] By using a blockchain, bitcoin became the first digital currency to solve the double spending problem without requiring a trusted administrator and has been the inspiration for many additional applications”


I hear you ask.

The concept of God has been heavily influenced or run in tandem wave to Money, Land and Power. So to not stretch too far in the imagination for the reader.

Blocks are created on a server farm or bunch of computers that connect to each other to make the network peer to peer for the blockchain to exist.

Servers themselves are a Block of metal housing (usually black) containing a silicon chip which uses power and has a net worth to buy and manufacture. In addition the land space in climate controlled room also have a value and cost associated.

The attraction at first was the fact that it got rid of existing Bank and organisational fees and inefficiencies that plagued every transaction a person made. It appealed to the minorities as a way to make money away from the rigged financial

systems. But as all systems have a inventive stage of newness, boom then eventual bust and then Govt Regulation steps in to re create the system in there image to basically stifle any poor or minorities gaining any profit or empowerment through a new currency.

Now what I realised was that Christianity was a form of Peer to Peer Blockchain human algorithms. It defied the Roman Emperor Caesar and created a saviour that would return “Tomorrow.” Always Tomorrow. Never today.

Blockchain technology is often described as the backbone for a transaction layer for the Internet, the foundation of the Internet of Value. A blockchain is decentralized, distributed and public digital ledger that is used to record transactions across many computers so that the record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the collusion of the network.

So Just as Mecca has a black box at the centre. The Jewish temple of Jerusalem, and various other examples of symbolic fashions and various intitutions sculptures outside there buildings it all relates to

Jews and Muslims alike worship a huge black cube/box called Kabba at Mecca. Their god YHWH is known as the “Tetragramaton” meaning their 4 letter (4 sided?) God. The “Kabballah” of Jewish mysticism/Masonry comes from KabbaAllah or “CubeGod” around which people gather and ceremonially walk in circles.

So now we have a piece of the puzzle or Chessboard of spirituality Money and power in the BlockChain piece. We are to believe that it is the saviour of the monetary system of human trade and exchange. This is the New Religions of the State and Strata being introduced.

Lemarchand’s box is a fictional lock puzzle or puzzle box appearing in horror stories by Clive Barker, or in works based on his original stories. The best known of these boxes is the Lament Configuration, which features prominently throughout the Hellraiser movie series

Now there is speculation to if the Black Box is a symbol of the planet Saturn and that all worship is dedicated to the new ‘Father of Time and Value’.

It may be a co-incidence but on the 31st of January 2018 Saturn Returned to its starting point known as the constellation of Capricorn and starts a 29 year cycle again through the zodiac of the Solar system.


If something is “Truly” de-centralised it is Anarchic and can not be regulated by anyone.

Algo Trump saving USA MAGA

algorithm. (āl’gə-rĭ ‘əm) A finite set of unambiguous instructions performed in a prescribed sequence to achieve a goal, especially a mathematical rule or procedure used to compute a desired result.

In many religious, philosophical and mythological traditions, there is a belief in the incorporeal essence of a living being called the soul.

So where do we start.

Human soul has a definition but not proven to be other than 5 mundane senses of taste, sight, touch, smell, and sound.

Human behaviour has a set type, call and response’s that doesn’t really move from its requirements of existence.

Yet humans are still seen as irrational beings?

This is what is interesting about the media, google deep mind and the elements of change.

The wistful penultimate idea of creating a God in the machine A.I autonomous and or unrelated character (robot) that resolves the human condition.

Deus ex machina (Latin: [ˈdeʊs ɛks ˈmaː.kʰɪ.naː]: /ˈdeɪ.əs ɛks ˈmɑːkiːnə/ or /ˈdiːəs ɛks ˈmækɪnə/; plural: dei ex machina) is a Latin calque from Greek ἀπὸ μηχανῆς θεός (apò mēkhanês theós), meaning ‘god from the machine’. The term has evolved to mean a plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable.

So are we are heading to disaster one way or another in the eschaton based society we live in? All ideas popularized on Netflix, cinema, and social media in general appears to create many dystopian images. Even it is a fact we live in a most comfortable place with abundance in food and access to medicines. Yet we seem to be tragically bad at management of human behaviour and meeting these norms for all people.

Eschatology is a part of theology concerned with the final events of history, or the ultimate destiny of humanity. This concept is commonly referred to as the “end of the world” or “end times”.

So why does the soul of the individual not matter so much in this homogenized society of binary definitions and plural gender association?

As you can tell by the media’s love of all things controversial and being the marker rule and law of the Politically correct ideology based on mind control techniques.

We are at a specific time in this innovative technologically dominant world.

A place in history humans have possibly never been . Yet the digital servers of the world could possibly be the New Tower of Babel 2.0. Where we put too much emphasis into creating singularity and then by just the nature of nature. BOOOM! The lightning, volcano, earthquake or CME from sun pulls the plug on the power cable to the server.

The Tower of Babel as told in Genesis 11:1–9 is an origin myth meant to explain why the world’s peoples speak different languages. According to the story, a united humanity in the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating eastward, comes to the land of Shinar.

Yet we are not adept yet at understanding the root of the causes in human body politic. What makes us tick is still a mystery to each of ourselves. We are machine learning by reflection in technology but leaving the important stuff out.

Like for example what is spirit?

How it allows us to break free of definitions by a strange energetic thing called living and destiny. The body electrically keeps everything going. So the other feeling of being and life force is something unknown. Yet always discussed as HOODOO or some kind of Cult based Astrology BUNK!

Our perceptions are malleable our choices can be erratic at times. Obsessed by image and gain in a material sense. Our fear greater of the universe is the true object of looking within.

Now not to speculate on spirituality and what it truly is.

Other than a set of beliefs that are reinforced by either the individual or the societal / group we can agree that we apply acceptance in a form of common agreement as ‘I’ and ‘You’.

Then where is the spirit in the internet? As it only has ones and zeros to separate the switches of ‘1’(I) and ‘0’ (You).

If spirit only represents the control of irrationality. Which in its self is irrational at best. A strange order of disorder does not display a solution. Hence why the homogenized life of our beings are not getting any more rational. Nor is any genius or innovator exalted as the media is obsessed with this order of disorder. Now even machines throw irrationality into their own physical being. Sometimes a photocopier will always print some strange forms of vectors when confused information or parts run out. Same with digital waves that fly through the air to our TV sets. All at the whim of nature and the spirit of things.

the Latin phrase ordo ab chao better known as order out of chaos. Is one of those verbal symbols inserted as an ideas of control structure that purely acts on human ideation of ownership. Keeping the mutually assured destruction owned by fear to keep order of the chaotic being en masse.




the quality or state of being all the same or all of the same kind.

“the cultural homogeneity of our society”

synonyms:uniformity, homogeneousness, similarity, similar nature, similitude, likeness, alikeness, sameness, identicalness, consistency, resemblance, comparability, correspondence;

Now what is the free man?

In a society obsessed with homogeneity, order and control and its obvious failure vis-à-vis the digital un natural state compared to a human being that is built for chaos and irrationality over millennia of epoc’s climatic change and wars.

Is it not that the ‘Free man’ is the one completely on the outer realm of society and therefore not even considered as a citizen? Yet we all exist and are in constant rationality of how to solve everything else.

For most people to relinquish the chains and cages given by the consistency of digital order and the chain of command that keep food and shelter in some kind of affordable (for some).

These golden digital chains have ruled supreme for about the last 10 years of accepted norms that most things are best sourced from a global homogenized system. That is now exposed as merely a system that tracks, and predicts your actions and does not allow the exploration or innovation needed to explore time, space or the human spiritual condition.

So what I postulate is that ‘digital media’ and the ‘algorithm’ that it uses are the new jail cell of humanity un able to bypass back to a human-ness that could avoid the on coming reaction of people who chose the most extreme way of expression in a control set. Hence drugs and mental health and behaviors of humans start to become increasingly more volatile and unstable.

For example in the ideogram is like emojis

👩‍🔬 👨‍💻 👩‍💻 👨‍🎤 👩‍🎤 👨‍🎨 👩‍🎨 👨‍✈️ 👩‍✈️ 👨‍🚀 👩‍🚀 👨‍🚒 👩‍🚒 👮 👮‍♂️ 👮‍♀️ 🕵 🕵️‍♂️ 🕵️‍♀️ 💂 💂‍♂️ 💂‍♀️ 👷 👷👷‍♀🤴 👸 👳 👳‍♂️ 👳‍♀️ 👲 🧕 🧔 👱 👱‍♂️ 👱‍♀️ 🤵 👰 🤰 🤱 👼 🎅 🤶 🧙‍♀️ 🧙‍♂️ 🧚‍♀️ 🧚‍♂️ 🧛‍♀️ 🧛‍♂️ 🧜‍♀️ 🧜‍♂️ 🧝‍♀️ 🧝‍♂️ 🧞‍♀️ 🧞‍♂️ 🧟‍♀️ 🧟‍♂️ 🙍 🙍‍♂️ 🙍‍♀️



plural noun: ideograms

a character symbolizing the idea of a thing without indicating the sounds used to say it. Examples include numerals and Chinese characters.

These symbolic representations are basically a visual representation of how communication is not able to be expressed in a more visceral and personal way. It merely smooths over the lack of need to be honest or express truth’s.

Just the words chosen in the digital communications world.

CELL phone — like we are basically caught in matrix or controlled environment

BlockChain — similar to ball and chain a kind of imprisonment or being chained to something

CRYPTO Currency — Something incredibly secret or unknown

CELLULAR network — As if we are wet ware or unaware that our CELLS of which our body is also made up of.

NET work — — Casting of some kind of entrapment device made up of links

VIRAL — As if its representing obsession with remedies and sickness.

These are just a few of the conjunct Heteronyms I have interpreted.

Heteronyms: that are also spelled the same and have different meanings

Anyway figure it out for yourself where you stand in this world.

It will quickly wash out any tide of belief or expectation if you are not at least aware of the nature of control that the algorithm is pointing to you as predictable binary human. My speculation is that this will lead to less an less accountability and more individualism and recalcitrance to forming relationships of any meaning. It will also degrade the sense of self and those things beyond the mundane 5 senses. Which are kind of defined in the following list.






All those thins science says does not exist or can not be proven. Yet is the master of all group think from a guru, politician, Leader or CEO. The masters of irrationality and the new forms of Digital control should be investigated deeper than what I can elucidate here.

adam eve internet serpent of wisdom apple store

Well like Plutus, the Greek god of wealth, was blind and Lady Justice Themis, the Greek goddess of justice and divine order, was blindfolded holding the scales and sits outside most Law Courts with her sword.

“Themis showed her holding a sword, believed to represent her ability to cut fact from fiction; to her there was no middle ground.”

In some strange way that The internet is also representative of its physical nature of being connected by wires, power, Liquid Crystals and trillions upon trillions of switches.

Essentially without human input, the Hydra of the Internet is essentially null and void.

People do not appear knowing that a screen is essentially a mirror. It is a hard concept to explain that the screen you look at (when it is not powered), is merely a piece of glass.

But like an endless infinite scratchpad or blackboard of creation that is available, both visually, aurally and without limit to anyones imagination. One day people will find nothing on the screen explains the answers they are looking for.

The Profound answers in life are about living essentially and letting the rudderless ship of life guide its own certainties.

The internet is essentially a tool and symbolic of most things but its no cave painting, or Emerald tablets, or Nazca Lines.

At the internets basis is connectivity. This ability to connect to a wider base of peoples, transactions and workplaces.

Yet I may speculate that it appears to be a second colonisation 2.0 of the mind. Seeing as there are no more small tribal peoples to conquer by the people with bigger weapons, disease’s and ideas. We can surely say that Modernisation of life and convenience with Christianity and secular religions to keep order has past its moment. Now we have an acceptable machine that can offer all that an more, and its called the internet.

It can offer the imagination of acceptability and more.

So in the tree of life where we find ourselves one fig leaf away from loosing all dignity in the wish to control a tool that has become essential. We are faced with only one possible answer to be answered.

What do we want to become?

Waiting for the Digital Messiah.

Franken Christ image of the new Messiah

“Humanity. We never had it from the beginning.” Charles Bukowski.


Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein after a dream between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m.” on 16 June 1816. Frankenstein could be described as sapient humanlike creation of a maddened lonely scientist, a search for the meaning of life in the machine.

The story of Christ as character vehicle of a system of belief to espouse the possible path of humanity that has taken about two-thousand years of integration into the Western system of thought.

To put it bluntly why I chose the word ‘FRANKENCHRIST’

FRANK = Franked dividends have a franking credit attached to them which represents the amount of tax the company has already paid.


en . /ɛn/ noun -PRINTING

a unit of measurement equal to half an em and approximately the average width of typeset characters, used especially for estimating the total amount of space a text will require

CHRIST = Gods most important Prophet in the Christian Religion.

put it together you have

FRANK-EN-CHRIST.: A financially stable dividend based prophet based on the Digital Printing methodology of Blockchaing Hashing.

Blockchain Hashing

In simple terms, hashing means taking an input string of any length and giving out an output of a fixed length

It matters not if Frankenstein or Christ is real or fictitious. For the sake of this article, it is a metaphorical observation of the future paths connected to the markets, crypto as the new science of belief based religion.

The proposed amalgam of two seminal characters in the human conscious is for the predictive conscious possibility of the manifest now and in the oncoming years of resetting the global cabal.


The new wave of markets using predictive analysis and filling the repetitive tasks to improve the flow of interactions and therefore profitability. Now how does this latent Capitalist blockchain invention become semi-Theologically deified and accepted en-masse to the Markets and Investors?

I postulate that using the ‘Frankenchrist’ metaphor for Machine learning and market exchange. We can now take a look into specific moments from the ‘Frankenchrist’ narratives of belief and explore the possibilities.

The Crypto is, of course, a parallel to a Frankenstein kind of human invention to counter the instability and corruption of the Judaic Christian Banking/marketplace.

The current methods of traditional Banking control need a centralized position in the monetary and information system. Essentially the internet is anarchic and for any group to set controls will be proven in the future a futile attempt.

So at moment ‘Frankenchrist’ is merely a momentary metaphor and concept. This entity in the minds irrational and emotional need of the human morass would have to be backed by something of value.

It could possibly be hedged and assured by crypto that is tied to a face value of something tangible like server farms.

There is also a possible method the current globalists will attempt to give the Hash symbol or associate graphic attain messiah-like qualities to be accepted into the general buyer's mobile device. Yet it appears more and more that Crypto has become a sentient monster of destruction with a basket of currencies subject to the same corruptions and instabilities as Fiat currencies.

So I hear you ask what is the trigger moment in the global financial political sphere?

Well… I basically propose that Crypto is used to give rise to a bigger Machine learning process. The proliferation of Smart Dust in conjunction with media manipulation of the Climatic upheaval. This could lead to this messiah-like belief in a Machine learning entity that exists on the terrestrial plane. A kind of Digital Tree of life or Avatar movie type visually stunning willow tree to represent the second coming. It is not entirely impossible that the Internet in its totality is basically an electronic recreation of a mycelium network of nodes, spores and junctions. Or to describe it of the transfer and control of light. It can not be far from the digital Priesthood at moment to insert all possibilities into the Singularity concept of attaining absolute control over the irrational and returning to Mathematical precision.

My mycelium network is nearly immortal, only the sudden toxification of a planet or the explosion of its parent star can wipe me out… all my mycelial networks in the galaxy are in hyperlight communication across space and time.

- Terence McKenna, The Mushroom speaks

So in slight humorous conclusion of this digital mystical jaunt, allow me to introduce you to a new character name that represents (only in metaphor) and humor the concept of Alien invasion to assuage the public into using an alien type currency.

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