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Writer's pictureA M Graetz

Conversation on Saturn in Pisces - Sir Julien Montague and Saxxon


I am inclined to feel the ascension from lower polarity consciousness is going to agonising and profoundly repressive as the new world order make its last play, and naive optimist in the sense that the lower powers have no real strategy to combat the inevitable awakening of light in the human soul,

KUANYIN! , so perfectly evoking the Upturned urn in the Aquarian zodiac sign, I sense that with the birthing of the Uranus archetype in the human psyche that the lessons of the last Pluto in Aquarius will not be so violent, I don’t think it's simply idealistic to prophesy the advent of a global awakening of the KUANYIN nourishing energy or sacred Amrita, the thing to keep in mind is that the higher dimensions or watchers are the masters of this holographic forum, or are at lest fully aware of the lower or diabolical power dominions and principalities, that it’s all been factored in, that there are no surprise, we know this in the almost mechanical way in which the logarithmic laws of the simulation can be observed in a planetary sense, it’s as if they can’t change direction, that it’s fundamentally bound by its own cyclical substrata…which makes it vulnerable to the interface of those higher dimensional beings …we already know that with the discovery of Uranus PROMETHEUS a that ZEUS days are numbered…maybe the final blow will come with PLUTO - SHIVA into the Promethean ruled sign AQUARIUS….change is coming and the days of the DEMIURGE are numbered…

The anti-Christi Mythos will be a palpable reality as the polarity feeds off neurotic fear, I am inclined again to place my trust in the higher powers, which is not to say that the world won't destroy itself from within, ideological form all extremes feed on chaos and madness, and yet as the Moria CAREY says, when the hero comes along it's you...

I sense that the reason we accentuate the negative characterises of the transpersonal planets is because we feel they are not invested enough in our puny stories, in the ZEUS cult we have the promise of better days, with outer planets we get to experience consequences, a dialectic that seems always to be recycling madness and mayhem. And yet our perspective is as deluded as Plato's man in the cave, our psyche from primordial times has been on high alert for real and perceived hidden dangers, and yet in the end it doesn't matter his dumb or blind sighted we are, in the end the only thing that will matter is whether we have opened our hearts to those other orders of. being

I like the anti-Christi question but mostly because it's at the root of the choice each of us must inevitably make, the tree of knowledge is not of the same essence or meaning as the tree of life....and that's a uniquely human problem, do we choice hope or despair, joy or misery, it's all determined in the chives we make...and the paradoxical thing is that we can be a Satan and Christ in the same instant that's something, that's not nothing, a fusion of the diabolical and the luminous in the one being ...sleeper awake.


The idea of our culminating information age becoming a heightened display of our own hubris seems inevitable.

Maybe the final blow will come with PLUTO - SHIVA into the Promethean ruled sign AQUARIUS….change is coming and the days of the DEMIURGE are numbered

I guess as you say (and Rumi as well). The truth is always etched on the heart.

The outside world will always come to an end in some shape or form of external relevance to the technology and tools we are given as people.

The idea that boiled down Saturn in pisces the fall of the Jupiter zeus as Saturn would be strict and factual in a sensitive sign that rules the care giver.

Pluto in Aquarius transiting peoples moon and Ascendant will be the dredging past endeavours possibly exposing more of the self and possibly the underworld themes.

Maybe Rumi is right. "Choose silence and the answer will be within (sic)."

It is rain that grows the plants. Not thunder!

At the moment only wisdom through excess as Blake would say. Once the excess of society is reached then we have the point of our lives showing us Pluto and Saturn in a dynamic duo of our collective ignorance becoming wisdom. Sadly it is always for some reason at the point of huge blood sacrifice to the earth usually through war that levels society. Biologically speaking I listened to a Catholic monk talk about the coming rationale of death from the strange hubris ruling the physical and biological world. A Demiurge of money looking for new kinds of human slavery was the main stay of his conversation. Not slaves in typical physical sense but to breed the new man. A revolution in the body of all peoples the changing of the temple from spiritual to scientific Aquarius. Inevitably we all may incarnate in this different world where it will seem as if aliens have landed and we are born amongst them. Just as we seem to designate mental states of birth as a defect and not a shamanistic blessing to find the greater gnosis or teachings of the way.

What was Gudjeriffs saying "If you want to lose friends, become friends with a priest."

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