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Writer's pictureA M Graetz

Body without Organs 2024 Morphs into 'Already Dead' theory.

The internet of organs within the Matrix of Social Science

body without organs
Body without Organs Diagram illustration am graetz

First is the birth of the Body withtout Organs by Artaud, Then Deluze Guattari Futurist manifesto Marinetti example given sumerised below by a.i Leo

Origins of Artaud's theory the Deluze and Guattari then Marinetti Futurist manifesto then Nick Lands Accelerationsism. Then finally the new internet organless body. Or as I would like to propose as the new principal as the 'Already dead.' So without further ado here is the reading to understand the new proposal of the Already Dead theory.

Body without organs

The concept of “Body Without Organs” (BwO) is a central idea in the work of French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. It refers to a substrate that is also identified as the plane of consistency, a non-formed, non-organized, non-stratified, or destratified body or term.


The term “Body Without Organs” was first used by French writer Antonin Artaud in his 1947 play “To Have Done With the Judgment of God”. Artaud’s work was later adapted by Deleuze in his book “The Logic of Sense” and ambiguously expanded upon by Deleuze and Guattari in both volumes of their work “Capitalism and Schizophrenia”.


The Body Without Organs is a fuzzy concept that describes the unregulated potential of a body - not necessarily human - without organizational structures imposed on its constituent parts, operating freely. It is a processual understanding of the body, declaring that the body’s limits are always moving. This means losing identities and boundaries to become something else.

Types of Body Without Organs

Deleuze and Guattari theorized that there are three types of Body Without Organs:

  1. Empty: The body without organs that has not yet achieved its own organization.

  2. Full: The body without organs that has achieved its own organization.

  3. Cancerous: The body without organs that has become a tumor or a cancer.

Philosophical Significance

The concept of Body Without Organs is significant in Deleuze and Guattari’s philosophy because it challenges traditional notions of the body as a fixed, organized, and stratified entity. It emphasizes the importance of becoming and process over being and structure. The Body Without Organs is a key concept in their theory of desire, subjectivity, and the relationship between the individual and society.


The concept of Body Without Organs has influenced various fields, including philosophy, literature, art, and music. It has been used to describe the unregulated potential of the human body, the relationship between the body and technology, and the concept of desire and subjectivity.

Example in Music

The song “Body Without Organs” by The World is a Beautiful Place & I am No Longer Afraid to Die is a musical interpretation of the concept. The song’s lyrics explore the idea of a body without organs, using the metaphor of a mold and its copies to describe the process of becoming and the loss of identity.

Reddit Discussion

A discussion on the r/philosophy subreddit provides a concise overview of the concept, with users sharing their understanding of the Body Without Organs and its significance in Deleuze’s philosophy. The discussion highlights the complexity and ambiguity of the concept, with users exploring its connections to scientific theories, such as the electrical field generated by the heart, and its relationship to Aristotle’s theory of forms.

The Futurist Manifesto, written by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti in 1909, is a revolutionary document that sought to challenge the traditional values and norms of art, literature, and society. The manifesto is a call to arms, urging artists to break free from the constraints of the past and to create a new, dynamic, and futuristic art that celebrates the beauty of speed, technology, and violence.

Key Principles

The Futurist Manifesto is built around several key principles, including:

Rejection of the Past: Futurists rejected the traditional values and norms of the past, considering them to be stagnant and outdated.

Celebration of Speed and Technology: Futurists celebrated the beauty of speed, technology, and machinery, seeing them as the keys to a brighter future.

Emphasis on Action and Movement: Futurists emphasized the importance of action and movement, rejecting the static and contemplative nature of traditional art.

Glorification of War: Futurists glorified war as a means of purifying humanity and promoting progress.

Artistic Manifestations

The Futurist Manifesto had a significant impact on the development of modern art, leading to the creation of new artistic movements and styles. Some of the key artistic manifestations of Futurism include:

Aeropainting: A style of painting that emphasized the beauty of flight and the machine age.

Futurist Poetry: A style of poetry that celebrated the beauty of speed, technology, and violence.

Futurist Architecture: A style of architecture that emphasized the use of steel, concrete, and other modern materials to create futuristic and dynamic structures.


The Futurist Manifesto had a significant impact on the development of modern art and culture, influencing a wide range of artistic movements and styles. The manifesto’s emphasis on speed, technology, and action continues to influence contemporary art and culture, and its legacy can be seen in everything from architecture to fashion to music.

Morphing into 1990s Accelerationism - Nick Lands fame made Accelerationism the technology worship of Futurist evolution by reinterpreting Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari

Accelerationism is a term that refers to a range of revolutionary and reactionary ideas in left-wing and right-wing ideologies that call for the drastic intensification of capitalist growth, technological change, infrastructure sabotage, and other processes of social change to destabilize existing systems and create radical social transformations. The concept has been influential in various fields, including philosophy, politics, and technology.

Origins and Evolution

Accelerationism has its roots in the 1960s and 1970s, particularly in the works of French philosopher Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. Their concept of deterritorialization, which emphasizes the need to break free from traditional notions of space and time, has been influential in shaping accelerationist thought. Other key influences include Jean Baudrillard’s ideas on “fatal strategies” and the theoretical systems and processes developed by English philosopher Nick Land.

Left-Wing Accelerationism

On the left, accelerationism is often associated with the idea of pushing beyond capitalism by bringing it to its most oppressive and divisive form, prompting a movement to build a just economic system in response. This perspective sees acceleration as a means to create a more just and equitable society by accelerating the contradictions within the capitalist system.

Right-Wing Accelerationism

On the right, accelerationism has been adopted by white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups, who see it as a means to achieve a white ethnostate through violence and terrorism. This ideology, often referred to as “accelerationist” or “white accelerationism,” advocates for the acceleration of racial conflict through assassinations, murders, and terrorist attacks.

right wing joke meme

Effective Accelerationism

A more recent development is the concept of “effective accelerationism,” which advocates for technological progress “at all costs.” This perspective sees acceleration as a means to resolve humanistic dilemmas caused by AI innovation through still more innovation, rather than limiting or slowing the technology.

Challenges and Concerns

Accelerationism has been criticized for its potential to create chaos and instability, as well as its association with violent and extremist ideologies. The concept has also been criticized for its lack of clear goals and its potential to be co-opted by powerful interests.


Accelerationism is a complex and multifaceted concept that has been influential in various fields. While it has the potential to create positive change, it also poses significant challenges and concerns. As we move forward, it is essential to carefully consider the implications of accelerationism and to work towards creating a more just and equitable society.

The Already Dead theory.

The Body with out. organs morphs in to the 'Already Dead' theory which states in a corporate technology. The Body of ideas that make up the internet are at the state of ourabourous snake eating its tail. Where innovation merely represents the regurgitation of Marxist ideologies and soviet style simplification of the entire world into easily homogenised and simplfied economy of easily shaped non threatening behaviours. People complain of the Dead internet theory that states the majority of interraction online is artificial intelligence and bots that keep people talking on the site to maintain its usefulness as a tool that makes its profit purely from advertising models. In the Book "Death of the Liberal Class" by journalist and Pulitzer prize winner, Chris Hedges. "Funding a civilisation through Advertising is like trying to get nutrition (sic) by attaching a tube from ones anus to ones mouth." (Watch documentary below)

So in the Death of the Liberal class we are stated as corporation states and not Soverign states electing representatives. The Public perception now guided by the digital handrails of societies conforming to the Digital Oligarchs of the FAANG stocks Facebook Amazon Apple Netflix and Google/Alphabet.

After world war 2 trauma politics of capitalism produces a utopian capitalism where no one will lose. The collective peak is the realisation that non loss society ends in collective loss and complete collapse. Removing the balance of change and rise and fall behmgins the rise in unnatural insanity accelerated by zero ability to question it's own conduction or outcomes.

Homogeneity striving for excellence in failure. The socialist installation of totalitarian welfare state. Climate and convenience will be the title flags raised on the 9 billion hungry people unable to unuionise or find community solutions. A rebellion against corporate eugenics of the working class that divided Labor into a agaraisn dialectical materialism.

Motivated by new titles of progress through fighting climate as the new cold war. Will be the end of social contacts by voluntary decision making process.

Accelerationism is a Gestalt of the futurists manifesto allowing everyone to fill in the gaps with high end intellectual verbiage.

As Chris Hedges states in his book Death of the Liberal class “Fear means we are willing to give up our rights and liberties for promises of security. The imposition of fear ensures that the corporations that wrecked the country cannot be challenged. Fear keeps us penned in like livestock.”

Chris Hedges quote

What is the death of the body of the internet if it were a body connected to the society as a whole,

Agreed the mentally of libidos is the egregore of the human spiritual dichotomy. A battle ground of what it means to behuman in the sense of the word that there is an ideal established that is unified and not  divided. We live in a dualistic vacuum ofdecision that we make and on the subconscious level we are schizophrenic biologically speaking to breed at all costs andthe future of breeding is the transgression that has predated the idea of society.

The Promethean crushing of the chromazone to fit the alien seed into the first human type hominid/homunculus, or the early small original man. Like in Altered States movie the drive to eat and hunt and breed entertwined with no real discernment other than the installation of structures. Or another example is the black cube of Saturn in 2001 space odyssey movie by Stanley Kubric represented in the large rectangle object landing in between the hairy monkey mammals hominid tribe. Then killing each other realising the bone can be used as power weapon. And in some moment of primal scream of divided consciousness the monkey throws the bone into the air, as it cinematically morphing into the space station where the spaceman (specimen) is navigating life with HAL the spaceship a.i removing man from his idea of earth in 2001 space odyssey. suggestion that we are on spaceship earth like Buckminster Fuller suggests.

(Buckminster Fuller, a renowned architect, engineer, and philosopher, conceptualized the idea of Spaceship Earth as a metaphor for the planet and humanity’s role within it. He believed that the Earth is a spaceship, and humans are its crew, responsible for its navigation, maintenance, and survival.)

So yeh in the realm of this intellectualism that requires high technology to become the parent of the human space humanoid.The human animal returns to its primal state of Brutality to sort out genetic superiority and the euthenasia that entails with that kind of genocidal mass events.  The Protien exchange system of food death sex and primitive needs.

"We do not see, or we forget, that the birds which are idly singing around us mostly live on insects or seeds, and are thus constantly destroying life...."

Charles Darwin, The Origin of the Species

"Mankind has always been cutting one another's throats.... Do you not believe...that hawks have always preyed upon pigeons...? Then...if hawks have always had the same nature, what reason can you give why mankind should change theirs?"

Voltaire, Candide

Foccault and Baudrillard and Deluze and Guattari have this primal drive towards anti-life saying by making it a free for all the society will no longer demonise and ergo have to police anything in the human/animal condition. i say this in the fact that without someone pushing the great reset and the globalists wish to see humans carry out there own genocide is definitely baked into the cake of Capitalism ego centric evil ideologies of maintaining top position with intellectual reasoning over the lesser human species unableto manipulate or unionise its own military and thug like power utilising drugs and money to control the masses.Fortunately the. undoing of the technocrat and the intellectual is that they are unable to identify heart frequency of learning and expansion.

"All this demanded that a few additions be built onto the old reptilian brain. Nature compiled by constructing an envelope of new neural tissue. That tissue surrounded the reptile brain like a peach's juicy fruit enveloping the pit. MacLean called the add-on the mammalian brain. The mammalian brain guided play, maternal behavior, and a host of other emotions. It kept our furry ancestors knitted together in nurturing gangs." (Lucifer theory written for the Council for Foreign Relations in 1995 pg 20.)

So with that i kind of make my point that we are at the critical mass this year of watching humans turn into a mass of desperate gulags that will err on the side of cannibalism or any means of violent expression in their helplessness to evoke a heart centred truth. or acceptance of suffering to find the sourcewithin rather than blame external sources. Ideally I know its hope-ium that people realise the stagnation, stag-flation media whitewash and the mass poisoning of entire generations of people. Free will still applies to the dystopia which is by fact over organisation of the human condition not the chaos of the human condition. Sexually when the plural movement towards zero gender zero definition of traditional roles then we have the formation of war.Feminism was not empowerment but a division away from traditional family units. The Pill was invented for men not for women as a sexual way of escaping consequence. We are ruled by over reaching intellectual classes that practice incest to produce more lethal and pedigree human to rule and manipulate the masses. Possibly to lump it all under the Kali yuga is a reductionist way of avoiding the definition. But yeh Stanley E jones had it going on in his own way that he was a christ possessed man of christ... I never quite got the ideology of Stanley but glad he attempted to create something that was all encompassing in the realm of acceptance and betterment of mans irrationality through self reflection.

Stanley E Jones quote

Is it that we are just containers for hungry ghosts and egragore's to inhabit while it plays our energetic ressonance to challenge limitations. Like the idea of the alien fungal spore in the human condition that requires the host feed it and clothe it and push further into the stimulus of emotional realms that evoke a kind of energy necessary for the hungry ghosts and energetic beings that rule over a deulsional realm like the movie Dark city.

So this power elite crypto plutocracy that stays hidden or best described as the heads with no body are the posessive elementals that cause the division of the human. Ergo the fight is in the freedom from the Dark city of the mind by seeing through the time of sleep and dreamy disillusionment. The movie shows the power of not being under the dream realm of the world and how easy the Dark beings called "Strangers".

According to the provided search results, the dark beings in Dark City are known as the “Strangers”. They are an alien species that possess incredible powers and unimaginably advanced technology. They are a dying race, with their hive-minded society unable to adapt or withstand their oncoming extinction. The Strangers have arranged a grand experiment to delve into the forces behind human personality and memory, experimenting on humans they have abducted in an attempt to find some insight that will save their race.

The Strangers are described as having a collective consciousness, meaning that most of their thoughts and actions are in unison. They are able to stop time and alter physical reality through a process called “The Tuning”, which allows them to change the size and shape of the material world. They are also able to implant memories and history into humans, as seen in the case of John Murdoch, the main protagonist of the film.

The Strangers are the primary antagonists of the film, and their true nature and motivations are slowly revealed throughout the story. They are depicted as a mysterious and ominous presence, with a sinister intent to experiment on humans and uncover the secrets of human consciousness.

dark city a.i image of the strangers

So in the advent of the Body of internet that is already dead. People wonder will A.i replace everything that is human. The question should be. "Has my life become so predictable and cliche that I have relinquished my humaness." The fact we reject all new artist or people that create original maverick ideas. Van Gough as an example. Once dead the artist is easily commodified unable to defend his art or creative process. The Artist becomes subsumed into the Already Dead Trope of worlds that sell his art for millions in a money Laundering project to back their already corrupt soulless acceptance of the easier life of being a collectivists with the "Strangers." So in the Already dead we are watching the universal undoing of people reduced to 10 second videos that go viral and create a hope of celebrity and money in one moment of Mods and algorithms pushing its acceptable deviancy or shock value humour that commands views the world over. The Already dead celebrity is therefore marketed, deified and canonised and thrown onto the hate heap of cancel culture.

We are no longer listening to the acoustic musician pour his heart out in years of cultivating a personal sound that is individual and not anything like the algo's requirement. Everyone in a military fashion are attempting to evoke the mass media algo of fame and money in that one moment. This sexual obfuscation of male and female and controversy with no consequence leads to the perfect non committal woke-world that everyone is correct and no one except those who dont conform will be outsiders and or cancelled/ shadow banned.

The generative power of the genetic process helps explain why we are so appallingly expendable in the eyes of an indifferent cosmos. Our pre-historic cousin the Neanderthal? Clever contraption. Numerous anthropologists believe the Neanderthal was capable of philosophy, religion and language. Unfortunately once you evolve Homo sapiens, Neanderthal is an obsolete scrap on the garbage pile of history. (Lucifer theory pg 47)

so Hence we have a GENOME - which has an unfortunate similarity to the word usually pronounced Gnome. Which is a small garden hominid of mythical origins. The DNA ladder of human design pondered over by many scientists in the belief that they may find the building blocks to human soul and production so they can usurp the A.i of the Godhead that rules the world in some kind of protein experiement of brutual biological chaos and order that man can not fathom. Cracking code to reality is the essential idea of all science fiction or mythology. As we live in the back yard of the societies fallen into ruins we also reflect the idea that through pedigree incest breeding or scientific control of matter and nature will allow the escape of the promethean curse of caring the fire of the Demiurge that posesses the pursuit of happiness and the space programme to free the captured creator by technological matters that caused Prometheus to be the fallen angel.


So in conclusion of the proposed 'already dead' theory is that we are in the ouraborus moment of realisation and that in the individual mind is the changing realm of consciousness to be undivided and without separation. The fall of our undoing was by accepting mass constructs and the convneniece of a future that never appears but is promised profusely through technology and the advent of better and bigger things. The conclusion is that there is no conclusion.

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2 comentários

Johnnie barker
Johnnie barker
03 de jul.

Thought provoking and amazing piece of worklk your prolific ash, will need t snd deeper into what you shared, loved the stanely jones quote, in a world where a term like Holy Spirit seems antiquated we might pause and remind ourselves of what a inner or higher power is, it doesn’t have to be some cringe christology spin, but that’s gnosis right, an even more inexplicable term than spirit. A world in free fall, it’s going to be a heavy landing for most of us, good luck.

A M Graetz
A M Graetz
03 de jul.
Respondendo a

Thank you for your kind words. Yes in this crazy technology end of world scenario faith in the holy spirit might be the only antiquity saving us from the void. No judgement just the past is all we have as the future didn't provide.

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