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Writer's pictureA M Graetz

SCi-Fa.i Ep. 5 Bill A.i Hicks comes back from the Grave for one 2024 Las Vegus Show.

A.i revives comedy Genius Bill a.i Hicks #scifai

a.i bill hicks las vegas show poster 2024

What would bill hicks say about 2024. Keep in mind that these quotes are fictional representations of Bill Hicks’ style and tone, rather than actual quotes from the comedian himself.


"There’s a war being fought, and the truth is winning it, but Trump’s ego is losing it.”

“People come up and say, ‘Bill, quit talking about Trump, man.’ But I’ll keep saying it: his brand of ‘alternative facts’ is a plague on humanity.”

: “It’s not about ‘draining the swamp,’ it’s about filling it with more swamp creatures, like himself.”

“Imagine if Anatoly, the guy who thought the real terrorists went to high-security prisons, got ahold of Trump’s tax returns. He’d be like, ‘This guy’s a terrorist to the economy!’ And I’d be like, ‘Yeah, but at least he’s not putting us all in a high-security prison of debt and misinformation.’”


“Ah, Joe Biden, the great hope for change… or not. Another politician promising the world, but delivering more of the same old song and dance. The system’s rigged, folks, and Joe’s just another pawn in the game.”

“Joe’s got a plan to save the world… or at least his political career. ‘We’re gonna change everything!’ Yeah, sure, Joe, and I’ve got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.”

“The youth are waking up, but Joe’s still stuck in the past. He’s trying to win over the ‘cool kids’ with empty gestures and half-baked policies. Newsflash, Joe: the kids aren’t buying it.”

“Joe’s just a symptom of a larger disease – a system that prioritizes power and profit over people and the planet. We need real change, not just a new face at the helm.”


“Oh, you’re offended by a tweet? Well, I’m offended by the entire concept of Twitter.”

“thought-policing” or “linguistic fascism.” He might joke about the “Woke Gestapo” or “Language Nazis” who seek to control people’s thoughts and words.

“You know what’s woke? Being aware of your own privilege and hypocrisy. But instead, you’re just woke-ish – you’re aware of everyone else’s privilege and hypocrisy.”

“Oh no, someone used the wrong pronoun! The world is ending! (Or, you know, just calm down and have a beer).”


Some possible quotes that might reflect Bill Hicks’ perspective on Israel:

“You know what’s funny? The Israelis have the fourth-largest army in the world, and they’re still having trouble with a bunch of ragtag freedom fighters. Maybe they should just… I don’t know… sit down and have a cup of tea with them.”

“The US and Israel, they’re like two old friends who are stuck in a bad marriage. They just keep arguing and fighting, and nobody wants to leave the table.”

“I’m not saying the Israelis are wrong, but have you seen the size of their military? It’s like they’re trying to win a war against a bunch of kids with rocks.”


“You know what’s weird about climate change? We’re all freaking out about polar bears and melting ice caps, but I’m over here thinking, ‘What about the real victims? The ones who’ll be most affected by rising sea levels? The waffle waitresses!’ I mean, can you imagine? ‘Sorry, hon, the ocean’s come up to our ankles, and we’re having to serve coffee to the fish now. Would you like a seaweed wrap with that?’ (chuckles) Yeah, that’s the real tragedy – the waffle waitresses of the world, forced to adapt to a world where the only thing more unpredictable than the weather is the tide.”


“‘Globalists’ – isn’t that just a fancy word for ‘people who think the world is their personal ATM’? ‘Hey, let’s make everything uniform and interchangeable, so we can all profit from each other’s misery!’ Yeah, because nothing says ‘global harmony’ like a standardized, soulless consumer culture.”

“Imagine if you will, a group of powerful people getting together and deciding that the best way to run the world is to make everything the same. It’s like a bad game of Risk, where they’re all just moving their pieces around, trying to conquer each other’s territories. ‘Oh, you have a democracy? Well, I’ll just impose a neoliberal economic model on you, and you can have a ‘free market’!’ Yeah, because that’s always worked out so well in the past.”


“I just have one of those faces. People come up to me and say, ‘What’s wrong?’ Nothing. But if I were alive today, I’d be shaking my head at the state of the world. Politicians still lying, wars still raging, and people still distracted by their screens.”

“It’s all about money, not freedom. The 1% still got theirs, and the rest of us are fighting over the crumbs. The ‘miracle’ of childbirth? Ha! Now it’s all about designer babies and IVF. Where’s the humanity in that?”

“What kind of people are these with such low self-esteem that they need a war to feel better about themselves? We’re still stuck in this endless cycle of aggression, and nobody’s addressing the real issues. It’s like we’re all just sleepwalking through history.”

“I’d be railing against the social media echo chambers, where people only hear what they want to hear and never engage with opposing views. The ‘outlaw truth-teller’ in me would be screaming, ‘Wake up, sheeple!’”

Keep in mind that these are hypothetical quotes, as Bill Hicks passed away in 1994. However, based on his style and themes, this reflection attempts to capture his likely perspective on 2024.

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