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Writer's pictureA M Graetz

Big Ben/ Trump/ Ozymandias

Updated: Oct 10, 2023

let the 2024 civil war begin

From the Comic Watchmen there is a character I noticed that was called Ozymandias AKA Adrian Veidt. The son of extremely wealthy immigrants, possibly fleeing Nazi Germany on the eve of WWII, Adrian Veidt ends up an orphan at 17. He’s an unusual kid, to say the least. Instead of taking his inheritance and buying becoming the Greatest CEO celebrity that discovers free energy and how to free the world from energy dependence by using Dr Manhattan (a blue radioactive entity with highest intelligence and Power at will) to be the blame for a set Nuclear precision strike that looks like Dr Manhattans energy signature.

Adrian Veidt: You wanna know my past? Okay. Happily. It’s a matter of public record that by seventeen both my parents were dead, leaving me alone. I guess you could say I’ve always been alone. I mean, they say I’m the smartest man in the world, but the truth is I’ve often felt stupid at being unable to relate to anybody. Well… anyone living, that is. The only person with whom I felt any kinship died three hundred years before the birth of Christ. Alexander of Macedonia. His vision of a United world, well… it was unprecedented. I wanted… needed to match his accomplishments, and so I resolved to apply antiquity’s teachings to our world today, and so began my path to conquest. Conquest not of men, but of the evils that beset them. Fossil Fuels. Oil. Nuclear Power. Like a drug, and you, gentlemen, along with foreign interests, are the pushers

Similarity is that Trump evolved out of German immigrants and in the 80’s New York City bankruptcy, Trump had the opportunity to buy up cheap buildings and redevelop in the 90’s, His work followed through in to the millenium, culminating as a Billionaire T.V celebrity CEO. In 2016 he achieved in the highest position as Commander and Chief as President of the USA.

Now in recent news is Australia will join the United States and South Korea in war games exercise, named Ulchi Freedom Guardian (UFG) according to the Pentagon. Starts August 21 2017, with 17,500 US troops from Australia, Canada, Columbia, Denmark, New Zealand, the Netherlands and Britain.

Side question? Does anyone know why they are silencing Big Ben clock on 21st of August in time with the eclipse on same day 157 years after it first ticked, tocked?

According to Wikipedia Big Ben is the nickname for the Great Bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London The tower is officially known as Elizabeth Tower, renamed to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II in 2012. Completed in 1859, it was named the prince of timekeepers.

The British empire known as the” Empire on Which the Sun Never Sets” Why would they choose the day of an USA Solar Eclipse Event to stop the Clock. The number 157 is very interesting if you read further on a bit of internet research from various posts, quotes and pictures.

Hmm nice set of prime numbers 157 years after it was started. Just a small correlation there is building called ‘One 57’ in Manhattan.

One57 Super tall building in New York City, New York One57, formerly known as Carnegie 57 and nicknamed “The Billionaire Building”, is a 75-story supertall skyscraper at 157 West 57th Street between Sixth and Seventh Avenues in the Midtown of Manhattan, New York City (wikipedia)

The interesing thing is the google Search for the words ‘Chapter 15 Verse 7 and the following appeared.

Bhagavagad Gita Chapter 15: verse 7 (157) BG 15.7: The embodied souls in this material world are my eternal fragmental parts. But bound by material nature, they are struggling with the six senses including the mind. King James Version Bible Chapter 15 Verse 7 (157 — the 6th verse included for context) “6If a man abide not in me he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. 7If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. KJV Bible Genesis Chapter15 -verse 7 “And he said unto him, I am the LORD that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee this land to inherit it.”

Its interesting that Mars and the Moon departing Regulus, on June 28 1914, as Archduke Ferdinand and wife Duchess Sophie assassinated which triggered World War One. A similar time in the Solar Eclipse with stars and also in the VEDIC astrological charts there is a similarity planets have almost exact same position in the Zodiac to the French reign of terror in 1974.

Reign of Terror, also called The Terror, French La Terreur, the period of the French Revolution from September 5, 1793, to July 27, 1794 (9 Thermidor, year II). With civil war spreading from the Vendée and hostile armies surrounding France on all sides, the Revolutionary government decided to make “Terror” the order of the day (September 5 decree) and to take harsh measures against those suspected of being enemies of the Revolution (nobles, priests, hoarders). In Paris a wave of executions followed. In the provinces, representatives on mission and surveillance committees instituted local terrors. The Terror had an economic side embodied in the Maximum, a price-control measure demanded by the lower classes of Paris, and a religious side that was embodied in the program of de-Christianization pursued by the followers of Jacques Hébert. (Encyclopedia brittanica)

Now Regulus has a tone of Regality and well as its sounds it has all the elements of the makeup of all types of Families associated to Kingdoms and power.

“Regulus STAR in the centre of the Eclipse revered for millennia, it’s the closest bright star to the ecliptic plane, the belt of all planets. Sometimes, the Moon actually “occults” the star Regulus, fully aligning with it.Regulus a revolutionary, bold, fiery quality to it. It’s a warrior star, an energy that is very headstrong and potentially righteous.Another energy that is extremely headstrong righteous Uranus, in fiery Aries: most exact aspect this eclipse makes a strong, positive trine to Uranus in Aries. (Sic) “ Chaldes are Chaldeans:a member of an ancient people who lived in Chaldea c. 800 BC and ruled Babylonia 625–539 BC. They were renowned as astronomers and astrologers.(see picture below from Google book search)

Possibly symbolic of Regulus but the symbolism of Chronos time keeper goes silent. Greenwich Mean time Representative is BIG BEN… The all seeing eye of time that rules the world (symbolically)..

According to Plutarch, the Greeks believed that Cronus was an allegorical name for Chronos.[5] In addition to the name, the story of Cronus eating his children was also interpreted as an allegory to a specific aspect of time held within Cronus’ sphere of influence” “In an ancient myth recorded by Hesiod’s Theogony, Cronus envied the power of his father, the ruler of the universe, Uranus. Uranus drew the enmity of Cronus’s mother, Gaia, when he hid the gigantic youngest children of Gaia, the hundred-handed Hecatonchires and one-eyed Cyclopes, in Tartarus, so that they would not see the light. Gaia created a great stone sickle and gathered together Cronus and his brothers to persuade them to castrate Uranus”

Now back to the Character comparison of Trump and Ozymandias AKA Adrian Veidt is quite similar in comparison. Trumps character profile when compared to Ozymandias has a lot to do with position, money and the ability to cause Nuclear destruction. Below is quote from Ozymandias that could be seen as a predictive narrative in the Russia, North Korea, Iran and Venezuela battle lines that Trump has recently drawn in the Warm War Axis. The following quotes are from the Cartoon Book (and most of the words made it to the ‘Watchmen’ movie).

Doug Roth: Mr. Veidt, to date, you’re one of only two Watchmen ever to reveal their true identity to the world, the first being Hollis Mason. And you’ve certainly profited greatly by it turning your superhero alter ego, Ozymandias, into a billion-dollar industry: toys, lunchboxes, genetic engineering. I understand there’s a movie in the works. Adrian Veidt: I’m not hearing a question, Mr. Roth. Doug Roth: I’m sorry. Do you think… Adrian Veidt: The other Watchmen resent me for prostituting their struggle? It’s a fair question. Yes, it’s crossed my mind some of my old colleagues might see it that way, just as you’re clearly aware that biased journalism sells more magazines. The merchandising arm of Veidt Industries is funding our work with Dr. Manhattan. We recently expanded our research facility in Antarctica in the hope of developing cheap, renewable sources of energy that we might eliminate the world’s reliance on fossil fuels. Now, it doesn’t take a political scientist to see that our Cold War with the Russians isn’t ideological — it’s based upon fear. Fear of not having enough. But if we make resources infinite… ah… we make war obsolete. I would hope the other Watchmen understand that. Wherever they may be. Thanks for your time.

So as you can see in above picture the Economists TAROT (cabbalistic interpretation) illustration used as front cover acting like it has the predictions for 2017. It is yet another reference to the mystical unknown Occult (hidden) elements of the Deep state battle and the unpredictability of a CEO/popular culture icon as President.

Monday 21st August 2017 Happens to also be Rosh Chodesh Elul Celebration in the Hebrew tradition.

21st August 2017 — — Rosh Chodesh Elul / ראש חודש אלול “Beginning of new Hebrew month of Elul. Elul is the 6th month of the Hebrew year. Corresponds to August in the Gregorian calendar. Rosh Chodesh Elul begins at sundown on Mon, 21 August 2017. custom based on Medrash links the “Light” of David, and the “Light” of all human beings, to Rosh HaShanah, the Day of Judgment, when by the light of the “neshamah,” the soul, Hashem searches out the recesses and “hidden” areas of the human being. This idea is in turn based on the verse “The Lamp of Hashem is the human soul, which searches out the recesses of his being.” And the “Salvation” of David and all human beings linked to Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, when Hashem atones for the sins of His creatures (sic)”

This could also be a reversal of time Where Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo. As you can see its a conglomeration of a whole bunch of history repeating and condensing at the same time.

I hear you all saying.

“well Global warming, Tsunamis and Earthquakes will get us before any thing happens and that the Politicians can manifest.”

Yes… anything is possible its just interesting timing of a bunch of random Cartoons, mythos, astronomy, religious belief and news. It is just interesting collection of disparate information that has appeared over the past 30 to 100 years and beyond.

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