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Writer's pictureA M Graetz

Beyond the Age Gap: Exploring Generational Similarities through karma.

Reincarnating from one lifetime to the next - With brief cumulative karmic reasons given.

Generation reincarnation flow chart @pixelmatorprot
Generation reincarnation flow chart @pixelmatorprot

First I must define the word -

KARMA: To learn something not previously learned in last incarnation. The previous trauma and misdeeds and skills carried forth into new incarnation in time with no memory of what you were previously. The universal Birth Amnesia to give a fresh attempt at evolution to break free of the Karmic cycle. Pluto is the representative of the skeletons in the closet or the dark hidden side to peoples lives.

Pre warned: If you don't like wild speculation dont read this...

Silent Generation (1900 to 1956) Pluto in Cancer

Initiating changes in emotional and family issues, in private relationships, and in the patriotic game. They go through many changes affecting their sense of security. Developing compulsive emotional needs due to not getting their needs met during childhood vulnerable to change, and the only way to salvage this situation is to gain control, Manipulating and deceiving people to agree with them. This war like generation was quick to resolution through violence due to the conformity to keep the family unit of state or country protected at any cost.

Baby Boomers and Punk Boomers (1956-1971) Pluto in Leo and Virgo

Similar to the meticulous signature of dutiful service, this generation of highly-analytical individuals incarnated in this lifetime to master lessons around humility, purification and being of service to mankind. individuals with a hyper-awareness that is both consuming and overwhelming, precise and high level of discrimination. They’re persistent , “all or nothing” and desire “to get in formation.” with resilience and problem-solving skills. Revolutionising later years the idea of art, music culture and fashion as a way of rebellion, raising the question of identity for the first time outside of statehood, country and religion.

Generation X (1971-1983) Pluto in Libra

This breif period of rebirth for such changes including feminism, equality, relationships, marriage and the judicial system. This lifetime to learn lessons surrounding balance, justice and the true meaning of “me vs. we”. natives have most certainly mastered the art of relatability, but don’t get their powers of persuasion and knack for negotiating are incredibly subtle, borderlining mesmerism. Having the Star Wars franchise of bringing balance to the galaxy through unifying diversity and old differences in race and gender.

Millennials or Gen-Y (1983-1995) Pluto in Scorpio

This generation exude an enormous amount of passion and intensity. growing up on movies like Matilda and The Lion King—with protagonists pierce through the darkness, transmuting their pain into powe and impenetrable psychic radar, serving as a life-long lie detector. individuals are suspicious of others. The  fear of abandonment and betrayal unconsciously haunts them, but this is precisely where this generation is meant to rise from the ashes like a phoenix (and transcend the trauma of previous generations). 

Zoomers or Generation Z (1996-2009) Pluto in Sagittarius

These individuals are the epitome of no filter. The phrase “too smart for your own good” is probably spt generation, born into an era of ugly truths. Their idealism and lust for life becomes excessive, This is where the quest for the “bigger picture” became one’s demise, as the answer to endless inquiries were quickly sought after via the Internet. This, in turn, led to a dependency and compulsive use of online services, not to mention the beginning of the Dark Web. Also shooting for the stars without a practicality to achieve the benchmarks of such big plans. Carrying the victimisation emotion of the wealth and exploitation of the earth by the boomers.

First Incarnation- The War Dead Silent Generation Reincarnate as Boomers. Cumulative speculation.


First world war Silent generation 15 million people died.

Second world war 60 million died.

So Boomers population grew the souls on the earth, being born at around 54,092,802 people in 1955 and onwards. The only time it dropped below 2 percent was when the pill was available in 1960s.

Accumulative KARMA: Theoretically the 80 million dead were quickly reincarnated into the Boom times. War trauma, rebellion against repressive society and control anxeity issues.

The trauma they carried from the war gave them very resolute skills and persistence. The negative is that they were self righteous, expectant and eternally hungry for attention and physical experience in sex and leisure.


Second phase of Boomers and Silent generation and Vietnam war dying from either or lifestyle, war and old age, This reincarnation of Gen X population grew the souls on the earth being born at around 74,637,793 people in 1972 and onwards. the number Dropped to a consistent 1.9 percent

Accumulative KARMA : The banking system began to change and Vietnam was winding down. Contraceptives now over the counter and abortion becoming mostly medically acceptable procedure. Also Psychiaitry was becoming popular as a way of defining mental illness.

The first generation to experience digital and analogue media, technology and internet. Theoretically this mixture of cynical war dead, silent black and white racially divided silent generation and the Casualties of Boomers drug experimentation appeared as Gen X.

The trauma they carried from the war for equality or actual war gave them very resolute cynicism ability to reason with the worlds problems and seek brinkmanship and equal rights of women and people of colour. The negative is that they were pessimistic, depressed and prone to opioid addiction and divorce.

Millenial of Gen Y

The reincarnation of Millenial population grew the souls on the earth being born at around 83,899,367 people in 1983 and onwards. the number Dropped down to 1.8 percent as the Lifestyle was becoming more important than the family traditional unit. Sexuality and the Aids epediemic was growing divisions in previous freedoms.

Accumulative KARMA: Theoretically this mixture of cynical war dead, silent black and white racially divided silent generation and the Casualties of Boomers drug experimentation plus the heroine and economic suicides and medical misdiagnosis appeared as Gen Y.

The trauma they carried from the war for sexuality, recognition, technology and individuality gave them very intuitive ability to approach with caution and seek better social contracts. The negative is that they were disinterested in the greater group of societ, more able to perceive the world as plural and fluid. Managing to navigate the Aids crisis. The years of psychological experimentation became accepted popular culture to define each other with non pyhsically perceived wounding. This generation is very similar to Zoomers or Gen Z as they are faced with no mass die off incarnation from the Boomers as they find new ways to stay alive through medical science.


The reincarnation of Gen Z population grew the souls on the earth being born at around 81,925,844 people in 1996 and onwards. the number Dropped down to 1.4 percent as the technology was becoming more important than the family traditional unit.

Accumulation of KARMA: This generation being more contemplative and theoretical looking at the meaning of things. Theoretically this mixture of cynical war dead, silent black and white racially divided silent generation and the Casualties of Boomers drug experimentation plus the heroin and economic suicides of Gen X and the AIDS deaths appeared as Gen Z

The trauma they carried from the war for sexuality, recognition, technology, Psychology and individuality gave them very rintuitive ability to approach with caution and seek better social contracts. The negative is that they were disinterested in the greater group of society, more able to perceive the world as plural and fluid. Managing to navigate the Aids crisis. The negative is overly identified with their perception of themselves and inability to socially mix without technology. Also utilising the various new drugs and experiences in an escapist mentality or victim mentality in the social alienation.


This current generation dependent generation unable to enter most markets due to the Boomer live forever medically assisted fountain of life extension and fear of death. The Gen x in ability to deal with bringing balance to technology spining into very left wing control. The Gen y Millenials Zoomers are to inherit the problems of the accumulative KARMA where a world war looks inevitable if it be in a physical sense or a psychological sense. 2026 the greatest change from economy, sexuality, science and technology will be run by this generation. The Gen X is such a quick and small generation it will possibly be just the confessor or story teller bridging between the two worlds of Boomer and the New world Pluto in Aquarius Age. The great change may be assisting in a community sense of supporting a new way of doing things. The Accumulation of Karma in growing the social society into a new being will be at the forefront of rewriting the established narratives by the Silent and Boomer Generation.

How the generations will align with this rewriting the old into the new will be the greatest mystery to experience in the next few years at time of publication of this web article (2023)

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