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Writer's pictureA M Graetz

A regrettable War Chart - Israel invasion of Gaza Monday 30 October 2023

Here you will see the probable exact time of Israel full invasion of Gaza

astrotheme Gaza Invasion with Israel birth chart transits
astrotheme Gaza Invasion with Israel birth chart transits


In this birth Chart you can see the exact Natal Israel birth chart Pluto Square of red lines between Gaza Mercury Mars conjunct in Scorpio and Moon Uranus conjunct Israels Natal Sun.

Pluto Lord of the underworld can be two things not just war. It can be the exposer of all the dark elements in the nefarious fog of war. Mars Mercury conjunct in Gaza chart is Mars (iron-steel) in fixed water. So There could be a moment where the flotilla off the coast comes into play. Not just a pincer movement using troops and tanks but water attack.

If you apply the history repeating and the kymatics of human emotion being the generator of certain frequencies. Then USA is also due for a huge East Coast and Mid west Natural Disaster. The alignments of the Santa Cruz earth quake of 1989 is one of the repeat patterns I have observed but can not confirm it would be in same place or same format. But all the ingredients are there for a simultaneous outpouring of emotion due to disaster/war.

Saturn is 0.32 degrees Pisces which is not comfortable leaving its home sign of Aquarius the scientist. The last two and a half years of Saturn in Aquarius has lead to the (Saturn Harsh father in the Aquarius Air science sign) giving us lockdowns, mandates, Science as master of everyones lives and a new Experimental drug???

Anyway there is the Saturn opposite Mars of Israel chart so we have the tinderbox that is the war of all the Saturn worshipers. So Christians (Jesuits) worship a cube its just not folded up yet (see picture below) ̶M̶O̶S̶E̶S̶L̶E̶M̶S̶ ahem typo I meant Muslims worship Mecca which is a CUBE. And Jews have Tefilins which is a Cube, which gets strapped to their heads or even battle helmets as it contains the prayers within it.

Jews Jesuits Muslims all worship Saturn Cube
Jews Jesuits Muslims all worship Saturn Cube

"So what is all this Cube business about?" I hear you ask.

Anyway there is the Saturn opposite Mars of Israel chart so we have the tinderbox that is the war of all the saturn worshipers. Just have a look at the North Pole of Saturn.

"Before the discovery of Uranus in the 18th century, Saturn was the last of the seven planets known to ancient astrologers. Being the furthest out and the slowest in movement, the planet was feared and came to represent a number of archetypes — the Grim Reaper and Father Time. It’s no accident that the symbol is a scythe and it’s no accident that when Saturn returns its position at the time of birth people feel the planet’s swift and exacting blade."

saturn north pole explained
saturn north pole the cube

How does a Hexagon become a cube


hexagon becomes a cube
hexagon becomes a cube

So now as this gets a little deeper into the Murky world of the Khazars that basically infiltrate all religions using word magic like Loki and then get everyone to go along with the Usury and War method that is basically BAAL worship or total Kabbalah magic to enforce there family power since the Medici and Borgias in our current history.

So its regrettable to do such a chart where people will pick sides like a sports team from the comfort of their computer and watch the killing of innocent people and reclaim there helplessness by cheering on which ever war side they have chosen.

Sorry to be the one to explain that they are all on the same side of the Bankers and doing it to mass Genoicde using religious excuses, so that the power can be consolidated, and the next stage Corporation state installed into the world. So you will rent everything from Blackrock and Vanguard and own nothing and be happy.

Where are the good guys? I hear you ask?.

That is the individual that decides to not go along with the war death machine. Yet people are obsessed with the emotion they will never take ownership of their own life and become individuals.

They will Chant to the chorus of the war theatre online or in the streets. Yet the path of the individual means you will suffer... That is why we live in a society of NPC's with no peace or real substance. This is why people sit online as victims of there own Digital holocaust claiming it was 'Them' or "its too hard...and depressing."

Get a life.

Don't sail the CITIZEN-SHIP


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