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Writer's pictureA M Graetz

A.i Predictions on Trump Vs Biden Election Media scenarios 2024

The collective scenarios for the 2024 Election as brought to you by A.i answers from the internet.

A.i prediction of final Presidents for 2024 USA election

Currently as of date of posting the candidates stand as

The following candidates have announced their candidacy for the 2024 presidential election:

Joe Biden (Democratic Party) - Incumbent President

Donald Trump (Republican Party) - Former President

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Independent) - Environmental activist and lawyer

Cornel West (Independent) - Professor and activist

Jill Stein (Green Party) - Physician and activist

According to the 270toWin election forecast, Joe Biden has a 44.9% chance of winning the election, while Donald Trump has a 45.5% chance. The remaining 9.6% is attributed to other candidates or undecided voters.

Scenario 1

Biden wins Secons term President

Trump arrested on new charges faces jail time

riots in southern states

Market crashes.

Biden unfit for Presidency Kamala Harris to take on Presidency if Biden doesn't replace her with Michelle Obama at last minute due to unforseen circumstances

Scenario 2

Trump wins.

Market Crashes.

Assasination attempt

Biden Stands down to let Vice President (Kamala or Michelle) to take reigns.

Scenario 3

Chase oliver comes in and wins by last minute landslide after siding with RFK jnr picking up all the youth votes of Gen Z and Zoomers as First openly Gay President.

Market Crashes.

Media Frenzy mass confusion and Recounts in multiple states.

Threats of sucsession and the whole United States becomes a quagmire of street battles.

Scenario 4

Biden Wins.

Market Crashes installtion of CBDC's

Starts next war front.

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