stay ahead of the curve of the social norms and explore the world from an authentic viewpoint.
A conversation With Josh Berglan
The Beta-verse - Divine Feminine logic
Beyond the Age Gap: Exploring Generational Similarities through karma.
Unpopular opinon.
How Blackrock's Pincer Movement is possibly set up to reshaping the Future Market Rebuild. (2024)
A regrettable War Chart - Israel invasion of Gaza Monday 30 October 2023
A thought for changing times
The GRETA (greater) Depression
Why is Turkey so important in the Great reset.
The Violent Circuit.
Cooking October 2023: A Delicious Dish of Conspiracy cookies Thermidor?
Excerpt from Para modernism book
The Crypto-Gynocracy.
The Siege of Carthage 2.0 (europe's 4th Punic War)
Multipolar Bears
Science of a e-Bernay's device ruled society.
Mistakism the killer of A.I and popular image based culture
The Digital Eunuch and the Buddhist Economy